-What you argue about-

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Charlie- He's blowing you off for the Ducks

Adam- He's been getting critical of your appearance. He never did before, so you were hurt and confused.

Jesse- You feel like he's been a jerk to your friends lately.

Dean- He is getting VERY jealous VERY easily. 

Fulton- He has been avoiding you for a few days. 

Luis- He's been checking other girls out in front of you. 

Averman-  He hasn't been taking you or your conversations seriously. 

Guy- He's been ignoring you in school. 

Russ- He has been blowing you off to play street hockey. 

Ken- He's been having a short temper with you lately and won't tell you why. 

Dwayne- You feel like he hasn't been taking your relationship seriously. 

Goldberg- He's been pretty critical of your attitude

Connie- She's been hanging out with Guy more than usual and it is making you insecure. 

Julie- Julie overheard you talking to a classmate about keeping some "secret" so she got angry and confronted you about it. 

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