-What Fear Do They Have?-

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Charlie- Aichmophobia- fear of needles or sharp objects. 

Adam- Hemophobia- fear of blood.

Jesse- Iatrophobia- fear of doctors

Dean- Claustrophobia- fear of confined spaces 

Fulton- Trypanophobia- fear of needles or injections 

Luis- Pteromerhanophobia- fear of flying. 

Averman- Ophidiophobia- fear of snake. 

Guy- Necrophobia- fear of death for dead things. 

Russ- Lilapsophobia- fear of tornadoes and hurricanes

Ken- Nyctophobia- fear of the dark. 

Dwayne- Coulrophobia- fear of clowns

Goldberg- Acrophobia- fear of heights. 

Connie- Astrapophobia- fear of lightning 

Julie- Pyrophobia- fear of fire

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