-First I love you-

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Charlie- You were having a fun time during a night skate date. He kept making you laugh and he suddenly said in between laughs. "I love you!" You are shocked, but say it back to calm Charlie down. "I love you to Charlie." Then.... KISS!

Adam- You guys were having a movie date and you were half asleep on his shoulder. You cuddle up to him and say it quietly. "I love you Banksie." Right before you fall asleep, you hear him say, "I love you to y/n." He kisses your head and you both fall asleep.

Jesse- You are watching him play street hockey. You have been cheering him on and he is happy you are cheering for him. After the game, You go up to him and kiss him on the lips. "You did great! I love you!" He looks at you shocked, but kisses you again. "I love you to y/n."

Dean- You were alone at your house and he started kissing your neck. You've been wanting to say it for a while, but didn't know if he was going to take it seriously. "Dean?" "Hm?" He mumbles against your neck. "I love you.." You say quickly. You feel him smile against your neck. "I love you to." He goes up and starts kissing your lips.

Fulton- You were watching him shoot pucks in the alley-way. "Yay Fulton!" You clap which makes him blush. When he is done he comes beside you and pulls you into a hug. He leans his head onto yours. "I love you, ya know?" You blush and nod. "I know. I love you to."

Luis- He was walking you home. You were a little nervous about saying it and he noticed. "What's wrong Mrs.Mendoza?" He squeezes your hand. "I just wanted to tell you something..." "Well, what do you wanna tell me?" You gulp. "I-I love you Luis." You look over to him and see him smile widely. "I love you to!" He exclaims. He pulls you into a bear hug and kisses your head.

Averman- You two were skating around the mall and he was telling you some new jokes. You were laughing and said out of nowhere. "I love you Averman!" Averman looks at you and is so shocked, that he trips and falls face first onto the ground. You go over and lean over him. "Are you okay?!" He puts a thumbs up. "Yep. I love you to Princess."

Guy- You guys were on a bridge looking over the water. While you were looking at the water, he was looking at you with loving eyes. "She looks so beautiful." He thought. "Hey." He puts his hand over yours. "Yeah Guy?" You look at him and smile. "I love you." He gives you a quick kiss. "I love you to."

Russ- You guys are both skating around the neighborhood having a good time. Over the sounds of the neighborhood, you hear Russ yell. "Hey y/n!" "What?" "I love you!" You look at him with confusion. You didn't hear what he said over the sound of the neighborhood. "What!?" "I LOVE YOU!" He yells louder. He starts to yell just as soon the noise dims, so he sounds really loud. You giggle. "I love you to Russ." He skate over and kiss his cheek. He giggled at your touch.

Ken- You guys are alone in the hockey rink ice skating. He's been acting a little weird, so you decided to ask him. "Hey Ken." "Yeah?" "You've been acting a little weird lately, are you okay?" He looks down and blushes. "Yeah... I was just thinking about telling you something." "What do you wanna tell me?" You both stop and he looks you in the eyes and holds your hand. "I-I love you y/n." He looks at you waiting for a response. "I love you to Kenny." You kiss his cheek and skate away. (Okay but why is this so cute)

Dwayne- You guys were at Eden Hall helping put the horse back after using it to hog-tie a varsity player. "Man Dwayne that was awesome to watch! I love you!" You clap your mouth shut after realizing what you just said. Dwayne silently finishes closing the stable and turns toward you. "What did you say?" "Um.. nothing. Nothing important, let's just go back to the dorms." You put your head down and quickly start walking towards the dorms. "Wait! y/n." Dwayne eventually catches up to you and turns you around. "Did you say you loved me?" You close your eyes and nod. "I'm sorry." Dwayne chuckles. "Don't be sorry Sunshine." He leans down and kisses you. "I love you to."

Goldberg- You and a friend are at Goldberg's parent's diner eating lunch and Goldberg waited your table. After he hands you the check, you notice that he wrote something on the check. "I love you Babe <3" You blush and your friend laughs at you. "He's so cheesy." You laugh. "I know." Your friend eventually leaves and you go see Goldberg behind the counter. You find him and give him a quick kiss. "I love you to Goldie. I'll see you later." You pull away and walk out of the diner.

Connie- You and Connie were in her kitchen talking about life. While Connie is talking about hockey, you are looking into her eyes and thinking about how much you love her. Connie stops talking and looks at you. "Hey y/n, whatcha looking at?" You snap back to reality and blush. "Oh... I was just looking at your face... and I was thinking about how much I love you." You say, surprising yourself along with Connie. You were never the forward one in the relationship, so this was a shock to both of you. Connie pulls you into a hug and kisses the top of your head. "I love you to y/n." 

Julie- It was a cool afternoon in the Eden Hall garden and you and Julie were doing the usual, picking flowers. Julie picks a rose and hands it to you. "Here, my favorite flower, for my favorite girl." You laugh and take the flower. "That is so corny." You and Julie both start laughing. In the middle of your fits of laughter, Julie says it. "I love you!" You stop laughing and look at Julie. "Did you-" "Omg.. I didn't mean to say it. Not yet. Not now. I'm sorry." Julie rambles, but you cut her off. "Julie. I love you to." She looks at you and calms down. You both lean in an kiss, still holding the rose. 

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