-The Sport You Play-

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Charlie- Hockey, but not too seriously.

Adam- Cheer. You bring pom poms to his hockey games to cheer him on.

Jesse- Soccer. Jesse goes to your games and cheers very loudly, which makes you blush. 

Dean- You don't really play a sport, but listen to Dean when he talks about hockey.

Fulton- Baseball. He is very proud that you play with boys, but sometimes is worried you would get hurt.

Luis- Swim. Luis likes seeing you in a swim-suit at your meets. 

Averman- You used to play foot-ball when you were younger, but don't play anymore.

Guy- You play tennis and take it really seriously. Guy plays with you and is actually pretty good at it. 

Russ- You play roller-derby. Russ is sometimes scared of you for this reason. 

Ken- You figure skate. You and Kenny skate together during the winter. 

Dwayne- You do horse-racing, but you don't win a lot. Dwayne is still proud of you no matter what. 

Goldberg- You play softball. Goldberg thinks softball is easy, but whenever you challenge him, he backs down, knowing you are actually really good. 

Connie- You dabble in a bunch of sports and never really stuck with one over the years. 

Julie- You play basketball, but only for fun with Julie and the other Ducks. 

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