The History Of Kidnappings Is A Long One...

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Cole POV

If there is one thing I have learned being trapped in the Police station looking at files, it is that the history of people getting kidnapped in Ninjago is a long one. Of course, I knew that kidnappings happened all of the time in the City, but I didn't really know by much until looking at the never ending slew of files that were in the evidence room.

I was supposed to be looking for information on kidnapping's in the last year that were using black vans, but it was surprisingly difficult considering I was looking for cars. Apparently, kidnappers have enough knowledge to not try and kidnap someone in the open a majority of the time unless you are an idiot like Ed. Ed, who kidnapped Jay literally in front of his friends by breaking into his house.

There were also the missing people cases that needed to be going through. I'm looking for Nelson's case in specific, though I know he is dead. Something tells me that there was something else going on at the time of his death. There was at least 48 hours before his body was found, and I wanted to know what happened in those 48 hours. 

Jay never talked much about Nelson other than the fact that he was very close to his brother at the time of his death and he talked about the involvement he had with it. It was clear as day to all of us that Jay blamed himself though it was never something that he admitted out loud for all of us to hear. I couldn't help but feel sorry for Jay. I couldn't imagine going through all of the stuff that he had to go through. The worst thing that has probably happened to me is now with my Mom.

Zane was talking to the Commissioner, though I wasn't allowed to talk to the Commissioner with him. Zane claimed that this was a task that needed to get done as well, but something tells me that he just wanted me out of the way. It was probably for the best to be honest. I would have probably lost it in there in a matter of minutes. I had every right to go and demand information, but Zane wanted to take the 'friendly' approach, whatever that means. Honestly, I probably would have cause an Earthquake, but that wasn't the point. The point was that my Bestfriend was kidnapped by some lunatic, and no one is doing anything to help him!

Jay was strong, and I knew that. I knew that Jay put up through a lot in the past couple of years that he wouldn't talk about. I know that Jay doesn't like inflicting his problems on others because he doesn't want to be a bother. I felt angered at whoever taught Jay that him having feelings bothered others. I hate whoever told this boy that he had to face everything alone. I knew that it was something that wasn't just self taught like Jay wanted everyone else to believe.

"There wasn't any government things scheduled today. The police are going to be on the look out for that van. Have you found anything?" Zane made his presence known as he stood beside me.

"I just found Nelson's case. There haven't been any connections though. What did the Commissioner say?" I asked as I shook my head with a frown.

"Nothing that we didn't already know. Nya called and said that we should be looking for a group called the Unmasked. She is trying to get information from her parents, but they aren't cooperating." Zane explained as I thought about the group.

"And what about Lloyd?" I asked.

"I tried calling him, but he didn't answer. His com is disconnected, and it looks like he has been offline for hours. I'm worried. Not because I don't think Lloyd can handle himself, but because he had the most... daring job out of all of us." Zane said as worry became clearly etched in his features.

"Hey. Lloyd is going to be okay. We aren't losing anyone else today. We can go look for him as soon as we are done here." I said as I tried to reassure him.

"Thanks, Cole." Zane said as he went and moved to one of the file boxes.

I couldn't help but sigh as Zane continued his search. I knew that it was hard for him to be apart from everyone. God knows that it was hard for me too. I didn't know the last time I got a decent night of sleep since this last started. I just knew that there was so much more that needed to get done and wouldn't until we went through these files.

Everything in my life just sort of seemed to be slowly falling in the past couple months. With my Mother getting sick, then my Dad going on a drinking binge, and now this with Jay wrapped with becoming a Ninja... It was just becoming a lot. I just wanted to get Jay back so that things could be somewhat normal. I wanted to go back to playing videogames at my house and his teasing on my eating habits.

"Jay is going to be okay too, Cole. He's tough." Zane said as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Even the toughest fall." I whispered as I looked at the file in my hand.

"You have already failed him if you think that way, Cole. You need to believe that he is okay, or else he isn't going to be." Zane stated like it was a matter of fact. 

"I know... I... My life is falling apart at home, Zane. Jay made all of that better and I feel like I owe him something. I feel so guilty because I couldn't protect him when he needed it. I cant be there for him now. I want to be, but I'm just stuck here looking at stupid files while he could be..." I couldn't finish that sentence. 

"Ninja Never Quit, remember? Jay wouldn't want you feeling like what you are right now. He would hate that you are making yourself miserable. Be strong for him? That is the best thing you can do for him. Even if you feel like you aren't doing anything, you are doing the best thing for him that you can. Never think that you aren't doing anything." Zane stated as he moved away from me and walked to the next box.

"Thanks Zane. I really needed to hear that." I said with the smallest smile.

We went into a comfortable silence as we continued to look through the files. After Zane's words, I felt hope slowly seep through me because Zane was right. I was already failing Jay if I was believing he was dead. Jay was tough. He could wait for a little bit longer while we try to get everything together. 

Nelson lived an interesting life from what I could see. It made a lot of sense in a way from the way that Jay always talked about his brother. He seemed to be a well liked kid and he had good grades. He appeared to love videogames and inventing just like Jay did. It made a lot of sense as to why Jay never seemed to let go of Nelson when everyone else appeared to.

Nelson must have reminded Jay of himself. Jay must have seen a lot of himself in Nelson and that was why they got along so well. It also made it all the more heartbreaking when it was clear that all Jay ever wanted to do was protect him. The one time they fought and went their separate ways, and then Nelson was dead. 

I hummed to myself as I went and looked at the autopsy report. I was generally curious about the cause of death as Jay never talked about it other than the fact that his body was found in a ditch. I couldn't help but wonder if Jay ever saw that. That seemed horrifying for me to even imagine in my mind. To think that Jay could have been like 10 years old and having to see that made me feel really sick to my stomach.

I froze when I reached the bottom of the page. My stomach churned as I kept rereading the last paragraph over and over again. I felt myself grow continuously pale as I made sure that I wasn't hallucinating. At this point, Zane had looked at me in concern, but I couldn't care less. There wasn't anything else that mattered at this point in my mind.

"What is in that file, Cole? What did you find?" Zane said as he came back over to me as I looked over to him slowly.

I tried to open my mouth before closing it again. No words seemed to form the way I wanted them to. With my hand still shaking, I handed the file out as Zane looked at me in concern. He still looked at me when the file was in his hand in concern. I shook my head and pointed to the file, knowing that he would get the message and look at what was inside.

I watched how Zane couldn't control his facial features for the first time in forever. It made my stomach churn before I finally couldn't hold it in anymore. I rushed to the nearest trashcan and the vomit was pouring out of mouth. There was ringing in my ears and my vision was slightly blurred but I could care less.

That last paragraph changed everything, and Zane knew it too.

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