Shopping With Understanding...

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Nya held onto my hand as she pulled me around the large crowds of people. I don't think she realized the huge blush that came upon my face. If she did, she didn't care. 

We arrived at a store. I came to this store frequently. All of the people knew my name there. It freaks me out sometimes, but it is good to know that I have that kind of relationship with the people there.

"Hello Jason! Is there a specific part that you are in need of today, or are you just browsing?" Sam asked me as we both walked in.

"There are a few parts that I am going to get today. If it is okay with you Sam, I wanted to go to the back and look for leftovers." I said as Nya looked at me.

"No problem, Jason! Just make sure you put things back that you wont need. You know how my boss would feel. We aren't supposed to do this for customers you know." Sam said as he walked back behind the desk.

"Okay. Thanks Sam!" I told him as I walked back towards the random shelf full of tools.

I grabbed an ultra sonic hammer as well as lots of nuts and bolts. To be safe, I grabbed batteries and parts to create a new computer and security system. I handed them over to Sam, as well as Nya's stuff, and walked into the back.

"Do you come here often?" Nya asked as I started shuffling for things.

"My Dad works for Mr.Borg. I do come here a lot to get him parts and sometimes parts for things that I am creating. Just depends on the day." I told her as I grabbed some moderate condition wires.

"I do a lot of inventing too. My Mother is the Advanced English teacher, and my Father is a blacksmith. I guess that I get my creativity from them." Nya said as I stopped to look at her.

"That must be cool. I never really had time to bond with my parents or do much inventing. I just have lots of sketches and do modeling for them on my computer that I have to fix." I told her as I grabbed a hard drive.

"Why don't you bond with your parents?" She asked as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

"We have to move all of the time. I am special. Gifted as what my Mother says. I have to get testing done by several scientists. My parents and I don't have time to form that bond you have, you know?" I told her as I finally  looked up at her.

Before giving her time to ask me more questions, I walked out of the back and handed Sam my parts. Sam smiled at me as Nya went to look at more parts.

"She's a keeper." Sam said.

I quickly walked out of the store. Nya took my hand once again as she pulled me to find her friends. We slowed down when we were almost there.

"If it makes you feel any better, I know what it is like to feel like you are missing some sort of connection with the people that you care or love. All of us do." She said as she pointed to her friends who were trying to flirt with the cashier.

"We should probably save your brother from the cashier. She looks like she is going to slap him."I told her as she started laughing.

"We are too late for that!!!" Nya said in between laughs. 

The cashier had slapped Kai in the face. This time, I laughed along side her.

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