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I was not having a good week. It was to be said that it was bound to happen the minute that I decided that I needed to track down the murderer to the body I found. I had a strong feeling that the body was meant for me. That is was a warning sign of some sort. I couldn't understand why though. 

With all of my extra time that I have now that I wasn't being a Ninja or going to school, it was easy to remember that I had actual needs too. Most days, I had locked myself away to my work. The body was still beyond Libbie and Cliff's knowledge. They were still suspects to Jay even if they were allowing him to live here. 

It wasn't just that though. Jay realized that he needed to actually talk to his friends. That Libbie was right and that he needed to confess what he was feeling. To let them into his life. He would need to reveal that he was the Blue Ninja. It made knots form in his stomach just to think about it.

He was supposed to meet up with them later today. Lloyd instantly picked up the phone, though Jay had been vague as to what he needed. He just asked that they would meet at the café. That he wanted to talk. If they would show up and listen to what he had to say would be another complete story. It made Jay feel sick.

There was so much that changed in my life since he left them. I knew that Lloyd wouldn't have said anything about me being adopted. My parents weren't making it any better. I was going to be driven and then picked up by one of my body guards. It was because of the crime rate, though they all knew that I could take care of myself. 

It wasn't even that they didn't  know. They had all saw the news, and I was sure of that. I hadn't told them personally what had been going on. It was going to bite me back for my decisions. It seemed so smart at the time to not say anything about it. Now, I wanted to slap past self in the face. I clearly had trust issues.

I arrived at the café a little late, and I couldn't help but wonder if they were even here. Part of me wished that they weren't going to be there. I thought about turning around and just going home, but that wouldn't be right. I was the one who requested this meeting, so I was going to have to be the one who manned up and actually dealt with it. 

They were all there, staring at me as I walked in the door. I felt instantly afraid. It felt like it had been forever since I saw them. Forever since I made a human connection with anyone that wasn't on my screen. These were people that mattered to me. I quickly realized that. It made me even more scared with what I had to do. This was really starting to seem like a really bad idea.

I sat down at the table and looked at it. I didn't know what to say. It was so tense. I guess I deserved that, though. I knew I wasn't going to let off of the hook easily. Not after the pain I put Nya in. I couldn't even look up at her. I didn't want to see the look of pain on her face. Maybe I should have just sent a video of something.

"What was this meeting for?" Zane asked finally, looking towards me.

"I know now that the video was fake. I know who made it." I said, still not meeting their gazes.

"Did you think that you could just parade back into our lives?" Kai asked as I quickly lowered myself.

"No. I understand that I will probably never earn your trust again. I deserve it." I said as I looked towards my hands.

"Then why did you call this meeting?" Nya asked again for Lloyd, wanting to be away from me.

"I am going to be honest with you. Be honest with you about everything. I realize now that I need your help. I realize now that it was never you guys that was the problem. It was me with  not being able to trust you guys in my life. I need to warn you guys..." I said before  quickly cutting myself off.

"Warn us what?" Cole asked as he crossed his arms.

"What I am about to tell you... It isn't for the faint hearted. It is something that not even Lloyd knows, though he will know part of it. If I am to tell you this story, you are going to have to know the risk that you are putting yourself in. You are already at risk for associating with me. I am going to tell you everything, but only if you accept that risk." I said as I looked up at their eyes for the first time.

They all looked at each other. They seemed to be having a conversation with their eyes. I held my breath. This was the moment I had been waiting for. They would either stay or leave. I didn't want either option to happen. I was stuck in the middle of 2 very bad choices.

"Alright, Jay. Start talking. We are listening. We accept the risk." Lloyd said as he leaned forward and glared at Jay.

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