Stuck In A Limbo

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I sat in silence as we drove up to the Smith house. I didn't feel like talking for the first time in forever. There was nothing to really say.

I was aware of Maya staring at me through the corner of her eye, but I just didn't care. I knew that an answer was important, but I didn't know how to start. I didn't know how to form words. I didn't know how to think. I was just stuck in this constant repeat of the events that happened.

Edna didn't even try to help me. She just ran to her room. Was she going to get a gun? Did she want me dead like the people that I have to defeat now? Is that who I like to everyone? Was I really all alone with no one else to turn to?

I was vaguely aware of the car coming to a stop and getting guided to the house. I wasn't really paying attention to when I was pulled through the door.

"Jason, my boy, how are you?" Ray said with a smile on his face as he stepped to see who came in.

His face quickly turned to confusion and concern when he saw my visibly shaking body and tear struck face. I didn't look at him. I couldn't bring myself to at first. When I finally convinced myself to, I quickly looked away. Ed's face quickly flashed onto his with the gun pointing at my head.

 I was thankful for the bracelet that Wu is making me wear to learn how to control my Element. It wouldn't go well for me or anyone around me if I didn't wear it right now.

Maya quietly sat down on the couch, and then pulled me into her arms. I quickly broke again, the facade officially gone. I couldn't let on that I was okay anymore. The months since coming to the school finally came crashing down on me. I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Shh. Your okay Jason. It is going to be okay. Shh. You are going to be alright. Shh." Maya cooed at me as she stroked my hair.

I was barely aware of Ray sitting down next to me and rubbing my shoulder. I realized that they were trying to comfort me, and it did make me slowly calm down, but then my sadness was filled with guilt. I felt myself start to silently cry. Sob is a more appropriate word I would use instead of cry.

"Where are Kai and Nya?" Maya asked as she laid my head down on her lap, placing my legs on top of Ray.

"They left to go do some sort of High School party at Kai's girlfriend's house, whatever her name is, with their friend group minus Jay apparently. I thought that you would have gone with Nya at the very least. Were you not invited?" Ray asked as he looked over to me.

"I was. Nya extended an invitation to me last week, but parties aren't really my thing. I like building things a lot more than dancing." I admitted quietly.

Ray started laughing softly.

"No wonder you and my daughter get along so well. You are both big nerds. Have very big and similar dreams of working for Borg I bet." Ray said as he looked over at me.

The mention of Borgs name made me flash Ed's face again. I quickly shook my head to try to rid the image.

"I actually want to be my own inventor with my own company if that makes sense." I said as I tried to smile.

"Why?" Ray asked.

I looked to read his eyes, but all I found was his burning curiosity.

"My adopted..... E... Ed worked for Borg a lot, which is part of the reason as to why we would move around a lot. He is part of the reason why... I don't have a home anymore." I mumbled the last sentence so quietly that Maya barely heard what I said.

"What happened?" She asked me as she stopped stroking my hair.

"I...I..." I froze up.

"Would it be better if I told Kai and Nya they needed to come home?" Ray asked me softly as he squeezed my hand.

All I could do was nod.

I felt him grab his phone.

"I need you and your Sister to come home." Ray said.

"Why? You said we could go, and we have only been here for 3 hours. The party ends at midnight, and you said we could be here the entire time." Kai said annoyed.

Ray looked at my broken and helpless expression as I stared at the wall.

"Jay is here with your Mother and I." Ray said as he rubbed my shoulder again.

The line was quiet for awhile.

"Why? If he wanted to talk to Nya and I, he could just come to the party. The invitation is still very much open." Kai said as he sighed.

"I don't think that is.... possible for Jay at the moment." Ray whispered.

"Is Jay okay? Did Morro and Nadakhan get to him again because I swear to god..." Kai started to say.

"Your Mother and I don't know what happened. He isn't talking to us. I was hoping that he would open up to us if you guys were both here. You are like a brother to him. I just thought he would open up more." Ray explained very quietly.

"I just found Nya. We will be up there in 30." Kai said as soon as Ray finished.

"Okay. Try to drive safely and not get arrested no matter how fast you want to get here." Ray said sternly.

"I make no promises." Kai said murderously as he quickly hung up the phone.

"They are coming." Was all Ray said.

They came 15 minutes later. We heard the running of footsteps and the struggling with the lock before the door slammed open.

"I thought I told you to drive safely and inline!" Ray all but yelled as he saw the mess that Kai and Nya were.

"I said that there were no promises." Kai countered as his eyes landed on me.

Nya beat him over though. Maya got up, and Nya quickly took her place as she hugged me and kissed my cheek. Ray got up and sat beside Maya on the other couch. Kai quietly took his seat and looked at me anxiously.

"What happened man? You look like Hell." Kai remarked as he patted my shoulder, not knowing what else to do.

"KAI!" Maya yelled as she gave him a stern look.

"What?" Kai asked in confusion.

"Tell us what happened, Jay." Nya said as she grabbed my hand.

"I came home... And then there was yelling. I--- Ed--- Gun--- Head." I tried to form sentences, but I just couldn't.

Maya quickly caught onto what I said, though it took Ray 3 more minutes to figure it out.

"Oh you poor thing." Maya said as she watched Nya pull me into another hug.

Then, Maya and Ray made eye contact with each other and nodded. They got up and headed towards the kitchen.

"Where are you guys going?" Nya asked as she looked above my head.

"We have some phone calls to make." Maya said as she looked back at Nya and I.

I didn't realize the drama, betrayals, and secrets that would come out of as the after fact of those phone calls. I was in too much pain and betrayal to think straight.

"You are going to be okay, Jay. We are going to be okay. Nothing is going to happen to you. I love you." Nya said as she pulled me into another one of her hugs.

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