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"We should all go as Ninja for Halloween." Cole announced as Lloyd and I arrived at the table.

I started coughing before Lloyd patted me on the back. No one seemed to notice my outburst. No one but Lloyd anyway.

"I don't think that is the best idea, Cole." Lloyd said once he was sure I was okay.

Nya smiled at my new relationship with Lloyd. She gave me a kiss on the cheek, and then rested her head on my shoulder. I laid my head down on top of hers.

"Besides, I'm sure everyone is going to be a Ninja with the popularity of the Blue Ninja." Lloyd said to back up his statement.

I couldn't help but flinch at the mention of my other life. I felt Nya look up at me, but I smiled at her and kissed the top of her head. That seemed to convince her.

"You guys can do whatever, but I will not be attending whatever it is you plan on doing." I stated as I sat up.

"Oh come on, Jay!! Why wont you come with us?" Kai groaned as he folded his arms.

"My Parents are out of town. I think that it would be safer if I stayed home." I told him as I folded my arms.

"You would be fine. Kidnappers don't come after big groups." Nya whispered to me.

I went pale and my breathing hitched. The thought of Nelson was brought into my head. I couldn't save him when we were 10. He was my Best Friend. He was my Brother.

"Jay, buddy, are you alright?" Cole asked as I stood up abruptly.

"I have to go." I said as I turned away from the group and practically ran to Wu's office.

"Hello, Jason." He greeted when I busted through the door.

"I want to patrol tonight." I announced as I sat down in one of his chairs.

"Are you sure? I would have thought that you were going with my nephew and your other friends tonight." Wu replied as he took a sip of tea.

"Did you know that Halloween is the easiest time to kidnap kids? I want to make sure that it doesn't happen." I said.

"Well again anyway." I added mentally.

"You sound like you have knowledge." Wu pressed.

"When I was younger, Ed and Edna did have a kid of their own. On Halloween, we got into a fight, and we went on our own ways for Trick or Treating. On my way home, I saw a group of people holding a boy that seemed around my age. I didn't think much of it. However, Nelson never came home. His body was found in a ditch a few days later. To this day, I ask myself what if? What if I went with him anyway? What if we never got into that fight? To hide the pain we had, we acted as though Nelson was never born. We dug his grave, and then we moved out again." I said as I looked out the window.

"I don't think that the Boy--" Wu started to say.

"There was blood in the same spot along with hair, blood, fabric, and a mask from his costume. They even found a tooth. It was him, don't try to tell me otherwise." I said as I glared at him.

"I am sorry. Do Ed and Edna have knowledge?"  Wu asked.

"I don't have any good relationship with my Parents anymore. They don't talk to me, and I don't talk to them. I honestly don't even live there half of the time. I couch surf on with my Friends." I told him with a cold stone face.

"I guess that you can patrol, but don't forget that even with this job, that you can be free to do things with Friends and at least live a semi normal life. It is all about balance." Wu said with a frown.

"I have never lived a normal life." I said as I walked out of the office.

I changed into my Blue Ninja outfit. I sat down on one of the rooftops near my junkyard. It must have been hours before I saw my Friends come out. Edna was the one who opened the door.

"Edna? Jay said you weren't home." Nya asked confused.

"Jay hasn't spoken to us in months dear. He hasn't since the..." Edna cut herself off.

"Well is he home?" Cole asked with a smile.

"No, not that he probably would on Halloween. He isn't ever home guys." Edna told them.

"So Jay lied to us." Kai said as he frowned and shook his head.

"He doesn't have the best time on Halloween. He hasn't since something happened when he was 10. You would have to talk to him about it. We don't talk about it as it has depressed our times on this Family." Edna said as she had a look of sadness on her face.

"Well, thanks anyway." Zane said as he waved her off.

Lloyd stopped at the beginning of the Junkyard. I saw him look up and for a moment he seemed mindful, but then his eyes locked on mine. I knew that he saw me.

He sighed and rolled his eyes before walking with the rest of our group.

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