Words and Intentions

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I stayed up on the roof top for quite a while after Nya left. She was the one, no doubt about it, but I cleared my mind of that. I held my breath as I felt my body stand up and go to the stairs.

I saw my friends talking in a line. All of them laughing and having a good time. That was something I used to have with my friends at my old schools. Now, I just hang behind and move when the time has come.

We made eye contact for a moment before I quickly walked in the opposite direction, heading to my locker. 

I grabbed my things, then, I went to my English class.

"Good afternoon, Jason. How are you today?" Mrs.Smith asked me.

"I am well, Mrs.Smith. How are you and the Mr.?" I asked her as I sat down.

"Me and Mr.Smith are both fine. Thank you for asking." She told me.

At this point, Nya had entered the room.

"What about Dad?" She asked as she sat down next to me with a smile.

"Oh. Nothing sweetheart. Jay was just asking how we both were." Mrs.Smith said as she rushed outside to stop a speeder.

"What was that about?" Nya asked as she turned her attention to me.

"I just asked her how her day was. That is all." I told her.

"Ha. You are probably her favorite student. We need to have you over for dinner some time." Nya gasped in between breaths.

I couldn't help but laugh with her.

It was towards the end of the day when my day went downhill.

I walked to my locker without noticing 2 guys following me there. I hummed a tune stuck in my head as I put in my locker combination.

"Look! It is the newest member of the geek squad!" The kid with a pony tail said.

"No wonder how he fits in at this school. Don't worry Nadakhan. He will just move to the dump instead with his next move." The kid with green highlights said.

Nadakhan lifted me up by the shirt as he talked to Morro.

"He doesn't even eat anything. Look at how light he is. It is a wonder how he hasn't floated away yet, Morro." Nadakhan said as he threw me into the locker.

"I want you to know this. The girl is mine." Nadakhan said as he closed the door.

I heard Nadakhan and Morro high five each other before laughing and walking away.

I felt tears traveling down my face as I desperately tried to open my locker. I then felt someone trying to open it. 

The door swung open to reveal Mrs.Smith standing there.

"Jay! Are you okay?" She asked me as she pulled me into a hug. It was a weird gesture from a teacher, but I just let it slide.

I just nodded.

"Why don't you come home with me for right now. Your parents called saying that you never came home. I decided to look for you here because I was the only teacher here for the moment. Long story short, they canceled school for tomorrow. Just to warn you though, Nya and Kai were both having panic attacks according to their Father because they called all of your friends too." Mrs.Smith told me as she had me follow her into her car.

"This is going to be a fun story to tell." I grumbled as I fell into the passenger seat.

"I hated getting thrown into lockers when I was your age. It will stop eventually." Mrs.Smith told me as she backed up and started driving to her house.

I guess that what Nya wanted was coming true. I was coming over for dinner.

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