Visiting For The First Time

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To say that I was shocked from anything at this point was low. I have already had so many things revealed in my life since coming to Ninjago City, so I didn't really know what was real and what was fake.

Yet, on Saturday afternoon with Lloyd by my side, we were standing in front of the mansion that had a gold star along the top panel of the gates. The doors were closed, but I did see movement from the windows. I took a shaky breath.

"Are you sure that you want to do this? We can always turn around." Lloyd said as he looked a little uncomfortable.

"You can always leave, Lloyd. I can do this on my own. I don't really know what to expect at this point." I said as I looked at him.

"I am the only person you have told about this. You are practically my brother at this point, Jay. We have lived with each other for a couple of weeks at this point, and I know that you are having a hard time at school. Not to mention your job as the Blue Ninja. If this is a battle that I can help you face, you better know that I am going to goddamn help you on this journey." Lloyd said as he pointed his fist towards to house.

"If you say so. I am just warning you though. Things could get weird." I warned teasingly.

"We live in fucking Ninjago City. Anything is possible at this point. Your life is a good example of that, Stupid." Lloyd said with a glare.

"I think that someone has been spending too much time with Kai." I said as I shook my head.

"What else am I supposed to do at their house while you are busy sucking off Nya's face?" Lloyd asked with a dark smile.

"On that note, I believe that we should head in." I said as my face turned as red as Kai's usual jacket.

"Oh, we are going to continue this conversation. However, you are right." Lloyd said as he put a hand on my shoulder and shoved my body into the button to open the gates.

I turned and glared at Lloyd, but then gulped. I could tell by his eyes that he wasn't going to let this go.

The doors slowly opened, with a creaking groan. Lloyd and I walked slowly towards the house as we took in our surroundings. 

The cars were parked neatly in the driveway. A garden surrounded the front part of the house with a whole assortment of flowers. I noticed a wooden plank with string attached to each side, being held up with rope that was tied neatly to a tree branch. 

I couldn't help but have a sad smile. I could see all of what I could've had, and that was what hurt. I could of had a great life from the start, but I was given all of this trash and fake parents, and very few people who actually loved me. I wanted a family like that. I wanted a family like Kai and Nya had.

I paused at the front door, slowly lifting my hand towards the door to knock. I found it a little hard to breathe, but I didn't want Lloyd to worry. He was here for emotional support.

I really wanted Nya to be here instead, but that was impossible. She knew little of my adoption, though I had finally enough courage to tell her about it last week. I didn't want my parents to let my secret out the Blue Ninja. Nya would never forgive me if she heard about it from someone other than me. Even then, she is going to be angry at me for not saying something about it awhile ago.

"Jason? I didn't think that you would actually come." Libbie said as she looked at me in shock.

"Well, I decided that it was time to stop running from my past and get some resolve for it. Also, I hope you don't mind, but I brought Lloyd from school." I said as I rubbed my hand on my neck.

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