Welcome To My Abode

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Things got more difficult once Kai found out what I was going through. I think that was to be a given, but at least he covered for me a little more. Of course, then came the excuses as to why I couldn't hang out after I was deemed not sick. I hated lying to Nya the most out of all of them. Probably because it felt like I was keeping parts of my life away from her again. When my parents never fought again, I decided that it was going to be safe enough for Nya to meet them. However, Kai and I were both very hesitant about it.

"Why are you nervous? If anything, I should be the one nervous. Not only are they your parents, but they are also like famous actors." Nya asked as me as we walked towards my house.

"I don't know. It has nothing to do with you, waterlily. I have just been very stressed out recently." I reassured her as we turned onto another street.

"What have you been stressed out about? Is everything okay?" Nya asked me as she grabbed my hand.

"I have been thinking a lot. Libbie and Cliff have been fighting a lot recently, and I think that there is someone I want to go see again in the next few weeks." I said softly as we crossed the road.

"Can I ask you a question?" Nya asked after a minute of silence.

"Certainly." I said as I looked towards her in concern.

She took a minute to ask, and it made me nervous. It was like she didn't know how to phrase her question. I knew she was trying to think of a way to not sound offensive, but I also could tell she didn't know how she could. She seemed almost  embarrassed to ask her question, which made me skeptical. I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. She almost never was at a loss for words.

"Why don't you call them your mom and dad? Anytime you talk about them, you always say Libbie and Cliff." Nya finally asked as she looked away, almost ashamed that she asked.

"Don't look ashamed or embarrassed. Cole asked me awhile ago. I think it is because it hasn't really clicked. I know they made me and whatever, it is just weird that they are supposed to be my biological parents. Ed and Edna have always been..." I started to say before my voice faded out.

It always faded out when we talked about them. I couldn't talk about them very much. It was hard to. Ed pointed a gun to my head. He tried to kill me. Edna didn't do anything to stop it, and it hurt. I feel like I should have gotten over it by now, but I couldn't. The way the looked at me... They looked at me like I was a monster.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked." Nya said as she placed her head on my shoulder.

"Don't be sorry. It isn't your fault. You know you can ask me anything. Anyway, we are here." I reassured her as I kissed her head and pointed towards the gates.

I watched her face carefully. I think she was being very careful about what emotions she was showing, much like I was when Cole came over. He always had the wrong reactions about everything, much like Nya. At least the difference was that Nya knew what emotions to hide, and Cole didn't. 

"It's so..." Nya said as she gestured towards the house.

"Believe me. I know. It is all much. Just wait until you see the inside." I said as I opened up the door for here.

"For the love of the First Spinjitzu Master." Nya gasped as she looked at everything.

I couldn't help but laugh as she looked around. It was like a kid on Christmas. There was so much wonder and curiosity in her eyes. It made me almost forget my worries for bringing her here. Almost. 

"Jay? Is that you?" Cliff called from I want to say the Living Room.

"Yeah. Nya too." I called as I grabbed her hand and dragged her towards the voice.

"This place.. How do you not get lost?" Nya whispered as we got closer to the Living Room.

"I do get lost all of the time. I haven't even shown you the secret passageways yet. If I want to find Libbie and Cliff, I just follow the biggest noise I can. Generally, that would be Libbie talking, or Cliff dropping something." I said as I rolled my eyes a little bit.

I looked at Libbie and Cliff carefully as we came into the bedroom. I noticed Nya looking at me in confusion, but I quickly smiled and shook my head. I was sure it would come up later though. Libbie and Cliff were having some sort of discussion, and I am assuming it had to do with the fact that they were traveling in a couple of days. They felt awful for leaving me in this house by myself again, but I quickly reassured them when they brought it up. I had a duty in Ninjago to uphold.

"Libbie and Cliff, allow me to introduce you to my girlfriend Nya. Nya, Libbie and Cliff. Libbie and Cliff, Nya." I said as I gestured towards both of them.

"It is very nice to meet you, Nya. Jay has told us all about you." Libbie said as she came and shook Nya's hand softly.

"Has he now?" Nya asked as she raised a playful eyebrow in my direction.

"Yes. It is all he talks about. If it is not some sort of computer part or whatever, it is you." Cliff said in playful annoyance.

I felt my face go red, and I quickly turned away. I should have known that they would find a way to embarrass me. They always did. Much like my friends did, but I wasn't going to tell them that. It made me nervous getting this close to this many people. How long would it be until someone hurt me?

"As long as you guys are happy, then we are going to be happy. Jay's happiness means the world to us." Libbie said as she looked towards me.

"We really are, Libbie." I said as smiled towards Nya, to which she smiled back.

"I can see that." Libbie said with a laugh and then started walking towards the kitchen.

"Is she staying for Dinner?" Libbie asked when she was almost out the door.

"Yes?" I said as I looked towards Nya for conformation.

"I would be honored." Nya said as she shook her head.

"Why don't you show her around, Jay?" Cliff suggested as his phone went off.

"Shall we?" I asked her as I offered her my arm.

"I thought you would never ask." Nya said with a laugh at her terrible attempt of some sort of accent.

We walked around the house as I gave her a tour. She seemed to be very observant and asking really funny questions. It was like my house was some sort of art exhibit. If anything, I would say that it was a freaking shrine towards Libbie and Cliff. There were pictures and posters of them on like every wall. At least she seemed to enjoy it.

"This is my room. I have to warn you though, it is pretty big." I said with a small laugh as I opened the door.

I had cleaned it earlier today before I went and picked up Nya. It was pretty simple. Its main color scheme was blue, which was my favorite color. I had a bulletin board that had some pictures of everyone on it on one side of the wall, and a bookshelf with some photo albums below it. Nya didn't really look at anything before launching herself onto my bed and face mounting into it. I laughed at her antics. 

"What do you think you are doing?" I asked as I tried to stop laughing.

"What does it look like I am doing? I'm laying down. Don't you dare get dirty minded, Gordon." She said as she turned her head to face me and stuck her tongue out.

"Yes, that is what you are doing. Totally makes sense." I said as I rolled my eyes again and then picked her up so that she could lay beside me on my chest. 

"How long do we have until dinner?" Nya mumbled as she slowly drifted out into unconsciousness.

"Probably an hour or 2." I said as I slowly drifted to sleep with Nya in my arms.

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