Wild Fires

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In Ninjago City, news spreads like a wild fire. It goes twice as fast in the Ninjago High School. 

Kai and Nya were having a full blown argument when their group of friends came into the building.

"I am telling you, Kai. You wouldn't have won the game if the other team didn't cheat." Nya told her brother.

Though Kai was older by 2 years, Nya got to skip the first 2 years of high school, making her a Junior too.

"Whatever, sis. Your just jealous." Kai claimed as the sibling finally acknowledged the presence of their friends.

"Did you guys hear?" Lloyd asked as the siblings looked at them.

"What news?" Kai asked.

"We are getting a new student." Zane said his usual perky self.

"We haven't had a new student in ages." Nya exclaimed.

"I wonder why." Kai said in a curious tone.

"There has been rumors." Cole finally said as he joined the rest of the group.

"What do you mean rumors?" Everyone asked.

"The one thing that has been confirmed is that this is his 12th school. No one knows why." Cole said in a low voice.

"This is just great. Just what we all needed. Another brat." Kai mumbled.

"We shouldn't judge someone we don't know. We don't know what goes on in his life." Nya told them all.

"As much as I would like to agree with you, I am going to have to agree with Kai on this one. I mean, this is his 12th school. Who knows what trouble he has caused in his school." Lloyd said as the others hummed in agreement.

"So do we know when he is coming?" Nya asked them, trying to change the topic.

"Well, since it is Friday, I would expect to think that he will arrive to the school on Monday. I could be wrong though. It really is just an estimated guess." Zane replied as he did the calculations in his head.

"I think that we are going to trust you on that. You are never wrong." Cole said.

"That most certainly is not true." Zane said in disbelief.

"Please, Zane. You and Nya are in all of the accelerated classes together. That includes all but like what 2?" Kai said with his eyes rolling.

"We should really get to class. We can only wonder about the new student until Monday. Until then, I suggest that we don't get involved in spreading this Wild Fire. Teachers would certainly hound us." Nya said as she started walking away.

As the group disbanded from each other, they didn't realize that 2 sets of eyes were watching them.

One closed their phone, with the recording shining through the screen.

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