A New Member...

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Over the course of the next few weeks, I slowly started getting better. I started spending time at the School last week, and even hanging out with Cole on some nights. The way they all treated me though was as if I was fragile, and I absolutely hated every second of it.

I had decided that today I was well enough to actually go over Smith's house and hang out. Kai and Nya were both excited, maybe even a little too excited, which really set my Ninja skills on haywire.

"Our parents miss the crap out of you, Jay." Kai explained as he caught up to Nya and I in the hallway.

"That is either really flattering, or really creepy." I said as I looked at him.

"I think it is sweet." Nya said as she locked hands with mine.

"Get a room, you two." Kai groaned in annoyance.

"We aren't even doing anything." I said as I thought about slapping him.

"Yet." Nya teased as she kissed my cheek. 

"I'm going to remember this at your guy's wedding." Zane called as he startled Kai.

"WHAT THE HELL, ZANE!" Kai gasped as he froze.

"What?" Zane asked, confused.

"Your hand feels like ice." Kai said as he looked at Zane.

I looked to see his hands. They were a little bit more white than usual, and if you looked closer, you could see ice begin to form on his hands. I realized what was happening instantly.

"Really, because I feel warm." Zane said, confused, much like I was a long time ago.

"You know what? I just remembered that I need to get something from the office. I will meet you at your house, okay?" I asked Nya as she looked at me in confusion.

"Ummm... Okay? Be safe." Nya said after a minute as I kissed her cheek goodbye.

I rushed over to Zane and grabbed his arm before running off to the office. I would take him to Wu. I didn't want him to be confused for a long time like I was. He had to have it better than I have had. I was just lucky that I didn't have to be alone in this anymore.

"Jay. I am really fine. Kai is just probably too hot or something. It is nothing worth going to the office over." Zane said, a little annoyed.

I stayed silent as I walked off into Wu's office without saying anything at all to the receptionist who just smiled at us.

"Jay? It isn't time for your meeting yet. I thought that you had the day off today to spend time with Nya." Wu asked as he looked back and forth between Zane and I.

"I did. I do. Something happened in the hall today, and I think that what happened to me is happening to Zane. He is one of us." Jay said as he closed the door and pulled Zane to sit across from Wu.

"One of you? I'm afraid that I don't quite understand." Zane asked as he looked at us.

"Are you sure? We cannot be revealing our secret to anyone that doesn't need to know. Lloyd already is involved in this, and we don't need another one of your friends in danger." Wu asked as he ignored Zane's question.

"His hands are like ice. You can see little crystals forming on them. I am positive that he was one of them. Was he not one of the people that you were looking into?" I asked as I avoided Zane's stare.

"I was starting to think maybe, but I didn't start to investigate anything about him. This is passed down genetically, and even then it is like a 50 50 that you get it. There have been some cases to where it wasn't, and that is when one dies without having children. They generally trying to pass their element to someone else if that is the case." Wu rambled back to Jay as they continued the conversation.

"CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT IS GOING ON?!" Zane shouted at us as we forgot that he was in the room.

"There are people that are different from everyone else, Zane. There are things that we cannot even explain, and we need to stick together. Can we trust you?" Wu asked Zane as he looked towards me.

"Yes, you can trust me." Zane said as he looked over to me.

Wu looked towards me and nodded. I took a deep breath and looked towards my hands. My hand shakily took off the Elemental Cuff that was placed. I waited a second more before taking a deep breath before letting the lightning bounce off of my hands and spark a little bit out of control.

"How are you able to do that?" Zane asked as he looked at me in shock.

"I am like you. I am different than everyone else, Zane, and you are too. You just don't see it yet. My name is Jason Gordon, and I am the Elemental Master of Lightning. I am better known as the Blue Ninja." I explained as Wu helped my put back on the cuff.

"What?" Zane asked as he looked to me in concern.

"You are also an Elemental like Jay, Zane. You are the Elemental Master of Ice. In training, you could become the White Ninja, if that is something that you want." Wu said as he looked over to Zane and smiled.

"I... I think that I would like that." Zane asked, a little nervous, but that was to be expected.

"You don't need to give an answer now. This is life changing. Why don't you go home to think, and you can get back to me." Wu said as he looked to me and smiled before nudging his head towards the door.

We both walked out of the room in silence. You could tell that the wheels in his head were turning based on the information. It was a little unsettling that nothing was said, but I didn't know what to tell him. He would keep our secret hopefully. I was screwed if he didn't.

"How can you do it? Does Nya know?" Zane asked as we walked along the sidewalk.

"Nya doesn't know. She wouldn't be safe if she knew, not unless she was also an Elemental. I am not saying that she isn't but we don't know yet." I said as I looked to the sky a little bit.

"You didn't answer my first question." Zane said after a minute of silence.

"I don't know. I... It really just makes me tired. When I wasn't coming to school, it was because of this. We found something that was probably the most disturbing thing that I ever had seen. I have been taking therapy with Wu." I said as I shook my head a little bit before looking towards him.

"Is Lloyd?" Zane asked.

"No. He found out in the beginning. I lost it with my Element when I thought I was alone, and I wasn't. He was investigating with me though." I said as I shook my head again.

"Is that why you wear the cuff?" Zane said as we approached Kai and Nya's house.

"I wore it in the beginning to block out my powers. I was able to take it off when I controlled them, but then after what I saw..." I said as I looked to the ground.

"You lost control?" Zane asked as he looked to me.

"I zapped Lloyd." I admitted as I rubbed my neck and knocked on the door.

"I am going to work with you, Jay. I don't want you to do it alone anymore. It cannot be healthy." Zane said as he smiled.

"I appreciate it, Zane." I said as I walked in the door.

I was happy not to do it alone anymore. It was also scary though. I couldn't let him down. I needed to work harder to protect those that I loved. Maybe though, I could work harder as our team grew so that I wasn't the one with all of the responsibilities.

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