New Beginnings

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3 weeks later....

"Again. Try not to break the light bulb this time. Try to focus your energy to the light bulb. Make it glow brightly, but not break from the energy." Wu told me as he sat across from me, stroking his beard.

I felt my brows scrunch together as me face lowered to the light bulb. My eyes glowed white as the power was making its way towards the bulb. I felt it glowing on my face, and I smiled a little bit. It stayed like that for 5 minutes before I became cold and shivered. Then, it shattered into millions of pieces. I heard Master Wu sigh.

"It is okay Jason. Maybe we should stop for the day and pick up again on Monday. Give you the Weekend to relax." Wu told me as I grabbed the broom and started sweeping.

I sighed in frustration.

"You should not be angry at yourself Jason. You have improved greatly from where we first started a few days ago." Wu told me as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"How will I be able to balance this all when I am a full blown Ninja!? I am barely able to do it when I am training." I asked as I looked at him.

"As my Father always said: Never Give Up. The Beginning Is Always The Hardest. The solution will come when it is ready to. As for the balancing portion, it will come easier with time. You just have to be calm." Wu told me with a smile.

"Thank you." I told him as I was about to leave.

"You are leaving your vengstone." Wu told me as he handed the cuffs to me.

I nodded at him in thanks before I ran home. Not that I had anywhere to be. My Parents were still mad at me, and we were not speaking at the moment. I was fine with that. I had nothing nice to say to them right now anyway.

Of course, when I got home, I saw a note on the door.

Jason. We are out of town for the weekend at another Inventors Convention. Me and your Mother trust you enough to not burn the house down while we are gone. We all know you will either be in your room or in the Shack anyway. Don't do anything stupid. We will hear about it if you do. Ed.

Ever since I confronted them about them not being my birth parents, it has been like this. Where we use are birth names unless it involves Edna. 

I sighed as I made my way towards my room. I heard my phone dinging with messages before I even got there.

I saw that Nya had been messaging me. I called her.

"Hello?" Nya asked into the phone.

"Hello. This is Zappy Boy bringing you your latest entertainment. If you would like him to speak to you, press one for more options." I said as I pulled the phone away and started laughing.

I heard Nya laughing her head off on the other end.

"So what did Smarty need from Zappy?" I asked when I heard the laughter die down.

"Where were you today after school? We waited for you in the front, but you never showed up." Nya said as she seemed worried.

"Hey don't worry. I wasn't in a locker this time. I was helping out the Teachers with some cleaning again. I must have forgot to tell you. Sorry that you waited." I told her with a smile. 

It was nice knowing that I had people who cared that much about me still.

"You have been doing that a lot lately. You have had barely any time with ME!" Nya said dramatic.

"Aw. Was it my Jokes or the fact that you couldn't hear me talking 24-7?" I asked.

"Hey--- Both of you are making me sick. Just kiss already!!!" Kai yelled as he cut off whatever it was Nya was going to say.


I hear punches being thrown at each other before the line goes dead.

One thing was for sure, I was happy I wasn't Kai's sibling.

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