Another Thing Coming

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I felt my hands opening up and closing again as I paced back and forth on the rooftop waiting for Lloyd to come back. I noticed that Zane and Cole were watching me with a worried expression, though Cole seemed really focused on the file he was holding as he kept reading it over and over. I'm sure Zane already had that stupid thing memorized by now. 

Sure, the file said that the body wasn't dead when it arrived at the morgue for further inspection. It made me upset for Jay, especially when I knew how much of Nelson's death affected him and his family. That being said, it just raised the major question. What happened to Nelson, and why did he never go home?

There was still a chance that he was dead, though something in my gut told me it was something far worse. I didn't know what could be worse than death really. How not being dead could be even worst compared to actually being dead. It made me worried about Jay and what he was dealing with right at this moment. I just wanted to take him in my arms and hide him from the world. I wanted to hide him from everyone who ever even thought about harming him and making him disappear from the dangers that everyone possesses. 

I felt the water forming in my hands, and I quickly tried to shake it off because it wouldn't solve anything. If they found out we were here, they would either kill Jay or move him to another location, and we couldn't have either. We needed to get him tonight because the sooner the better. 

"He is going to be okay, Nya. Jay is strong." Zane said in what I assume was an attempt to calm me down.

"I know that, but it is Jay. I love him, and I hate that he is probably in some sort of pain that I can do nothing to help with." I told him as I finally sat down and put my head in between my legs.

"Don't worry. Jay isn't that stupid. He knows we are coming. I'm sure he is just stalling until we can go save his butt." Cole stated as he patted my shoulder and pulled my head up so that we could see Lloyd coming into view.

"Glad you got my message." Lloyd said as he finally came to a stop and hung his head to catch his breath.

I noticed how tense he looked, and I instantly felt sorry for him. It must have been mentally exhausting having to confront his Dad, something that I had a feeling of that happening though he didn't say anything. He continued to look to the ground for several minutes before he finally pulled out a weird looking device.

It was almost like a tube. It looked a little bit rusted, but I noticed that it appeared to have been painted purple, possibly to hide it in its surroundings wherever Lloyd ended up finding it. It looked so old though, and it made my anxiety rise. This was to key to finding Jay, and yet it looked so useless. 

"How does this work?" I asked as I looked at Lloyd expectantly.

"It is sort of like one of those metal detectors that those old people carry around with them at the beach. The closer we get to an Elemental Master, the more it will light up." Lloyd explained with a shrug.

"Wouldn't it track ours though? Seems to be inefficient." Cole said as he looked at it in suspicion.

"Perhaps I could program it to only track his Element. It would take time though." Zane said as he scanned the device with a thoughtful expression.

"We don't have time. Do you think you could work on it while we were walking?" I asked as I looked up to him.

"That is a very inefficient idea, Nya. With us walking around, we could pass him and not even know it because the device wasn't working when we passed by where he was. We would need to stay here so that I could work on it." Zane said as he sadly shook his head with a frown.

It was silent as Zane took the device and slowly started to cut into it to work on the wiring. We were never going to get to him time at this pace, and I could see that the others were starting to see that. There was just no way that we would get there in time. 

"What if Nya and I went ahead and started looking around? Lloyd could stay here with you because he knows how to use it the most out of all of us. This way, we are covering more ground." Cole suggested, though I knew we were probably going to end up doing this plan anyway regardless of what Zane or Lloyd said. 

"The likely hood of you guys finding him without the tracker is 3%." Zane said as he started to shake his head.

"We've worked with lower. Have fun guys." Cole stated as he grabbed my arm and caused us both to fall off the roof.

"You guys are being stupid. You better get your asses back up here." Lloyd called, but we ignored him. We had other things to worry about anyway.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lloyd POV

"I am the leader of this team, and yet nobody ever listens to me. I swear to god it is like I am talking to air." I ranted as I paced back and forth and glared at the direction that Cole and Nya ran off in.

"I don't know what you expected to happen, Lloyd. Between all of us, Nya and Cole have the strongest connection to Jay as they literally are Jay's girlfriend and Jay's best friend." Zane said with wires in his mouth.

"And I'm practically Jay's brother, but you don't see me galivanting to hell to go find him when he could possibly already have been moved." I shouted again as I threw my hands up in the air.

I heard Zane sigh and roll his eyes before mumbling something about being stuck with a hormonal toddler, but I could care less. No body was listening to me. I was certain that if Kai were here, he would have gone with Cole and Nya because everyone on this team acts on god damn impulse, and Kai was the worst of them all. I was supposed to be the green ninja and the destined savior of Ninjago, and I couldn't even control my own team.

"Look Lloyd. What's done is done. You can yell at them all when Jay is back safe and sound." Zane said as he started pulling the wires out of his mouth to attach them back to the device.

"Don't think that I won't." I muttered, which caused Zane to promptly sigh again.

It was silent again besides for my feet constantly finding broken twigs to stomp on in my fit of rage. None of this was fair at all. We shouldn't even be having to do this but of course we have to. Stupid parents and brothers as psychopaths'. We could all be playing videogames but instead we were trying to pull a 'Mission Impossible' Ninjago edition.

"Are you jealous or upset that you were forced to stay behind?" Zane finally asked as I watched him close the device.

"Why would I be upset?" I scoffed, which caused Zane's eyebrows to rise ever so slightly.

"Well, you said it yourself. You are practically Jay's brother, and yet you were forced to stay here while Cole and Nya got to go look for him." Zane stated as he handed me the device.

"I'm just worried. I couldn't be jealous. I have never been jealous." I rambled as I instantly shook my head at Lloyd. 

Zane looked at me with an expression before following me down the rooftop with the device in my hand. What Zane was stating was so stupid. I couldn't have been jealous. I don't have anything to be jealous of. There is just no way.

There is just no way, right?

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