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Jay  POV

My mind couldn't leave me alone that night and for the rest of the week. I ended up staying away from my friends that entire week, and it was excruciating. As far as they knew, I was sick. Really, I was investigation Libbie and Cliff. The sick excuse was starting to go thin on me, though.

"You are seriously still sick? Should you go get checked out by the doctors?" Kai asked over the phone.

"I'll be fine, guys. Don't worry about it." I said as I tried to sound sick.

"I'm going to talk to Jay off of speaker, Nya." Kai said to his Sister.

"Don't do or say anything stupid, Kai. Love you, Jay." Nya said as I heard her go silent.

Really, I was concerned on what Kai would want to talk to me about without his Sister knowing. I loved Kai to pieces, but he really was freaking scary. I didn't like talking to him without Nya around like half of the time. It was always so nerve racking. He was always super protective of his Sister. I guess I could see why though. I probably would be if Nelson was still around. The thought of him made my throat tighten, and I instantly got that thought out of my mind. I wasn't going to open up old wounds right now. It wasn't worth it.

"You are lying." Kai finally stated, and I am sure he waited until Nya was out of ear shot. 

"I don't know what you are talking about." I tried to say, too defensively.

"Please, Jay. Don't try to hide it. It was believable for a couple of days, but it isn't to me anymore. Cliff and Libbie would have made you go to the hospital by now. I am sure of it." Kai said as I heard the rage rolling off of his voice.

"Fine. I am not sick. I am doing some... things." I finally admitted as I heard him grunt.

"What things were you doing? You aren't.... Oh yeah, Cole is doing better, Jay. His Mom did come back from the hospital, so I would say that greatly improved his spirits." Kai said as he quickly changed topics.

At first I was really confused. Kai's actions made no sense whatsoever. I would have thought that Kai would know that I already talked to Cole earlier today. I already would know what is going on at home. Then, I realized. Nya was in earshot. Well, she still wouldn't be able to hear me. Might as well continue this conversation even if Kai couldn't.

"Last week, I walked in on Libbie and Cliff arguing. It wouldn't have really concerned me, but it was the first argument I have heard them have since I started living here, and I think it was about me." I said as I listened closely to Kai's tone.

"No, I didn't hear that Lou and Lily were fighting. I wouldn't say that is shocking though. Lily and Lou are under a lot of stress right now." Kai said, but I knew he was concerned.

"I just want to make sure it is safe before I bring Nya along. I know she can take care of herself, but I want to protect her anyway that I can. Also, I think that it is all connected." I said as I continued to listen closely.

"Connected? What do you mean? Cole has never really talked about it." Kai said, and I was getting annoyed that he just wouldn't leave the room already.

"Morro and Nadakhan. My parents and the body. Me. I think that it is really all connected. I wouldn't be surprised if something wicked is heading to Ninjago right now as we speak. Maybe, it has already been here, and we just haven't noticed it yet. I don't have all of the details, but I just have a feeling. A really bad feeling." I said as I noticed Kai's breath hitch.

We sat in silence for awhile. I was letting Kai process what I was saying. He was trying to make it seem like I was still talking, but it was too spaced out at that point. There was some sort of pattern. Nya would certainly be smart enough to pick up a pattern. Kai was never really good at that sort of thing.

"What can I do to help?" Kai asked, but his voice sounded strangled.

"Nothing yet, Kai. I just need to find one big piece of information. Then, I am going to go to you guys. Just try and act like you don't know anything. That is the biggest help that you can give me right now." I explained quickly.

"I don't know if I can do that, Jay." Kai finally whispered, but he still sounded far too strangled.

"You need too, Kai. It is the only way to keep everyone else safe." I said, but I could tell my voice sounded far too much in pain.

"I'll talk to you later, Jay." Kai said as he quickly hung up the phone.

I threw my phone on my bed and continued to look at it. This wasn't how I wanted things to go at all. My fears seemed to unravel before me. I knew that I was only going to get a limited amount of time to find my answers now. It all depended on how well Kai could keep a secret. On how well Kai was at lying to the person he trusted the most. His Sister.

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