Back to School

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Jay POV 

My questions from the night before was still in my mind as I thought about my real parents. I was currently walking to school with my hood on so no one would notice or talk to me. I didn't want to talk to anyone.

I sat on the doorsteps as I waited for the doors to open. More questions entered my mind as I waited. I wanted it all to just end. 

As if my day already wasn't any worse, I saw the group that I would generally hang out with come my direction. I did the calculations in my head as I thought about how much longer until the doors opened. It wouldn't be for another 10 minutes. Then, I thought about climbing the tree. That would work if I could get up there in exactly 2.3 minutes including the running it would take to get there.

I stood up and started darting. Cole grabbed my hood and yanked me over there. Crap! I forgot to calculate Cole into my escape calculations.

"And where do you think you are going?" Kai asked me as I looked away.

"Do you not understand the pain that you have caused Nya? Look at her, Jay." Kai said as he grabbed my head and yanked it up to look at her.

I quickly looked away and with a calculated punch, I got Lloyd in the stomach. Cole let go of me and ran to aid Lloyd. I felt Nya gaze at me, but I didn't return it. Instead, I pick locked the door and sped into the building.

For the rest of the day, I made sure that my teachers saw me head to the back of the classroom where I knew that they wouldn't look for me.

When it came time for lunch, I ran to the roof. Nya was already sitting up there and observing the sky. I started to turn away when she started speaking to me.

"You were right. I don't know what you are going through. I just wish that you would let me into your life like how I let you into mine. I know that is a lot to ask for, right? To message my brother to make sure that you were alright. To come to school and out of hiding in your room. We went to your house everyday. Jay is too busy right now. Jay wont speak to us. Jay wont speak to you. Jay wont eat. Jay isn't coming out of his room unless he absolutely needs to. I guess that I am not an absolutely need to." Nya said as she looked down to the ground.

"I didn't mean it like that, Nya. I have never been aloud to get close to people before. The one time I did, things happened, and now I am scared. I am scared about what I should do. I am scared about what I want to know. I am scared that I will hurt you. That is too much, right? I am not aloud to be scared. My rules have always been the same. So you may be right about not knowing about what I am going through. But you are also wrong. I am not letting you into my life because you aren't an absolutely need to, I'm not letting you into my life because I am trying to protect you. I am trying to protect everyone. You want to know why I am doing this? I am doing this because I love you." I said as tears were streaming down my face.

She turned to me, and I turned away.

"Well, the way I see it is that you don't love me enough to have me in this secret life." Nya told me as she looked over at me. 

I continued to hide my face.

"If you cannot see that I love you. If you cannot see that I am only trying to protect you, maybe you shouldn't be with me at all." I whispered to her as I was about to make a run for it.

"I didn't mean it like that, and you know that. What is this really about?" Nya told me as she turned me around.

"I... I.." I couldn't get it out.


Confused, I looked at my hand. Lightning danced with it as it bounced off of my fingertips. I quickly pulled away from her and ran.

"I have to go." Was all I told her before I rushed out of the building.

I ran until I bumped into the principle. He looked down at me.

"I was just going to go looking for you. We need to talk." Wu told me as he led me to his office.

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