Everything They Know

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I winced as I watched Lloyd yelp in pain as the doctors wrapped the cast around his arm. Nya was also with me, though I could tell that she was wanting this to be done so that she could go be with Kai like Zane and Cole were. 

"You can go. I don't mind staying here with him by myself. It is my fault that he is hurt in the first place." I told her as I watched her flash a glare and clutch her grip further into my arm.

"Like hell am I letting you go again. You are going to be stuck with me the rest of the night, Gordon Walker." She said, piercing every word, and I held back in my sigh. 

I was going to have to leave, and whether or not we were going to address that I was going to have to run was up for debate at this point. We were probably  going to do it later and probably argue about it because what else is she supposed to do?

No matter what argument she has, nothing is going to get me to stay, and I can't help but wonder if she was thinking that too. It wasn't exactly easy for me either, which is why I was fine with us ignoring the problem for the time being. I didn't want to break up, but it wasn't fair to her to have her wait for me when I don't even know if I will come back. I don't want her to put that aspect of her life on hold for something that may never even happen.

"You guys must get into a lot of fights, seeing as how first it was that flirty kid and now this crying one." The nurse stated as she finished up.

"You have no idea." I mumbled, which caused Nya to elbow my side.

"How are you feeling, buddy?" Nya asked softly as she approached Lloyd and crouched down to his level on the bed.

"Like my arm was ripped out of my body." Lloyd groaned as he looked up at me.

"Thanks for saving me, Jay." Lloyd stated as he closed his eyes.

"You would've done the same for me, green bean." I said as I ruffled his head.

Zane and Cole both came in and smiled at us. Zane placed a hand on Lloyd's forehead and I watched his temperature drop instantly, which let Cole breathe a sigh of relief. Nya was getting antsy again, and knew that Zane and Cole both saw it.

"You guys can go visit Kai now. Zane and I can watch over Lloyd." Cole stated as he patted my back, and I was about to say thank you, but then Nya pulled me out of the room before I even had the chance.

Unlike Lloyd who was out of it, Kai was wide awake and was waiting for us like a hawk. He practically screamed in relief as we came through the door, and I watched how Nya rushed over to his side. I couldn't help but smile at the display. I was happy that Nya had a brother and had a relationship like that. I was sure that it was because Kai practically raised her, but I wasn't going to bring that up.

"Zane and Cole told me what happened." Kai stated as he looked up at me, and I shrugged.

"It was going to happen. Either Lloyd and I that was going to die or Nelson was. It was fate that had divided us, and in the end, it was fate that decided that I deserved to live instead of him." I said, and I knew that I was trying to play it off cool, but I really couldn't. 

I had killed Nelson. I had become a murderer, and even if I saved a bunch of people, he didn't deserve to die. Nelson didn't deserve to die because of me. Maybe I could have talked about it with him and saved him, but I didn't. I took the easy way out instead.

I turned my head and I could briefly see Nelson's body falling to the ground with the blood leaking out of his chest. I shook my head and looked at Kai who looked back at me in concern. I didn't know what to say.

"I have to leave for awhile. The police... It won't matter to them if I did it to save someone. They won't see it like that. Especially when that someone is Lloyd that I saved." I stated, and I felt Nya look at me.

"YOU DON'T HAVE TO LEAVE! Maybe if you revealed that you were the Blue Ninja..." Kai stated but I instantly shook my head.

"My identity has to remain a secret at all costs, Kai. I'll come back one day, but it wont be for awhile." I stated as I looked at Nya, and I knew that she was seeing what I was about to tell her in my eyes.

"I am not breaking up with you." Nya stated as she looked at me.

"I'm not having you put your life on hold for me, Nya. You deserve to have a family and love and I am not making you sacrifice that for me. I don't know when I am coming back, and I am not going to ask you to stay with me because it isn't fair to you, Nya. Nothing about you being with me is going to be fair to you." I told her sternly, though I could tell she could tell I didn't really want to do this.

It was silent for a long time as Nya thought. I knew that Kai really wanted to say something, but that he didn't know what to say to this situation. To be fair, I didn't really know what else to say to the situation either. There was no other way that I could be with her.

"What if I went with you?" Nya asked softly, which caused me to freeze.

"What?" I asked, and I felt Kai's eyes go wide.

"I'll come with you. I'll run away with you. You won't ever be alone that way, and you wouldn't have to ask me to put my love life on hold until you came back." She stated as she looked at me.

"That is even worse, Nya. You have friends and family here. I am not having you put that on hold either." I stated as I instantly went against the idea.

" So do you." She stated as she looked at me, and I felt myself glance at Kai who was probably mirroring my own expression.

I looked at Kai to say something, but he was refusing to say anything. I didn't know what to say, and I was really hoping Kai would snap out of it. Nya seemed to remember Kai too as she instantly looked at him. 

"You are old enough to make your own decision, Nya. Plus, you are telling me that you are running away, and that was the only thing that I asked of you was to tell me. I just ask that you wait until after I come out of the hospital so that I can send you off. So that I can send you both off." Kai stated as he looked at Nya softly.

I felt my mouth continue to go open as I looked back and forth between Kai and Nya. There was no way that this is happening. Yet, when I looked at Nya's eyes, and I knew that she was going to win this fight. I could never deny her anything when we got back together anyway. I sighed in defeat and held my arms open to her, to which she instantly launched herself at me again and kissed all over my face.

"Ew. Gross. Don't do that in here." Kai gagged, but I could care less. 

I was nervous about this for several reasons, one of the main reasons being that I better not break up with Nya again, but when I looked at Nya, I saw that it wasn't going to end up being that way. Something told me I was stuck with her for life at this point. Why should I try and deny the inevitable? 

"I guess it is me and you forever?" I stated as I down to her and smiled.

"Forever and always." Nya stated with a nod before pulling my face down to hers. 

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