Eye Before The Storm

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I have to admit, I didn't think that things would jump into action as quickly as they did, but when it happened, it was like all Hell broke loose.

Ray and Maya were running all around the house, shouting things at such a fast pace, I honestly couldn't keep up. And they called me Motor Mouth.

I knew that it had something to do with the phone call that was made at the beginning. I knew that something bad was going to happen because of it, but I guess that I was just in denial?

I honestly didn't know what was happening. I sat with Kai and Nya on the couch as we watched the scene play out in front of us. It was like watching a soap opera. Perhaps that just describes my life. I will have to look into that later.

"What do you guys think they are doing?" Kai asked as they watched the door open.

A man in a black suit walked in.

"CPS." I said in a monotone voice as I watched the adults come into the kitchen and close the door behind them.

"CPS?" Kai asked in confusion.

I swear that he is actually stupid sometimes.

"Child Protection Services, Dimwit." Nya said as she reached over my head to smack Kai's.

Good, we were thinking the same thing.

"I wonder what will happen." Nya said as she watched one of them eye me before walking back outside.

"They will take care of Ed and Edna, probably some prison for Ed. I wont be allowed to live with either of them anymore. I wont see them until I am 18. Then, they will contact whoever my next Adult is, and they will take care of me." I said as they watched me curiously.

"Well do you know who that is?" Kai asked as we watched the door open again.

"I have an idea." I admitted as I saw who walked through the door.

It made me smile.

"We can take you home now, Jason." Wu said as Lloyd pulled me into a half hug before making sure that my bracelet was on.

"Don't worry, Lloyd. I didn't take it off. Everyone would have been fried if it was off by now." I said with a small laugh.

"Don't worry dude! This is going to be great!!! We can be blood brothers and everything. We can preform the ceremony and cut the palm with a knife, then hope we don't get diseases from each other!!!" Lloyd cheered.

"You better not do that." Nya warned me as she glared at Lloyd, probably from his idea.

"But then all of us could be related in the long run!!!" I said as Lloyd laughed and laughed until he literally fell over with hysterics.

Kai, who was originally taking a sip of water, immediately spit out the water he had in his mouth, and then he started choking. Nya just turned red with great difficulty of breathing. If Ray had been in the room when I said that, I think I would have been knocked off of his Favorite board.

"Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Smith." I said as I hugged each of them before I walked towards the door with Lloyd.

"Please, call us Ray and Maya. And your welcome." Maya said as she nodded in my direction.

Lloyd and I looked towards Wu when he wasn't following us towards the door.

"I'll be out in a second. I just want to go over some things with Ray and Maya. Why don't you guys walk to the bus stop. Go get your take of the City." Wu said as he threw his hands up in the air.

"Do you two want to come with us?" I asked Nya as she blew me a kiss.

"What the Hell did you think we were doing?" Kai asked as he pulled on his shoes.

"It looks like we have been accepted into Kai's inner circle of Hell over protection." I whispered to Lloyd and looked up to make sure Kai didn't hear me.

"It is going to get worse from here, and you know it." Lloyd whispered back to me.

I felt Nya's gaze on both of us as she was probably confused from all of the whispering.

"That just means that me and you can have more fun. Just think of all of the shit that we can pull on Kai now." I said as I started laughing.

"WAIT! Do you think we could do it while we are out today?" Lloyd whispered as he secretly shot Kai a look.

"We were obviously going to do that anyway." I said with another laugh as I grabbed Nya's hand.

Kai wrapped his arm around Lloyd's shoulder and we all headed out the door. Smiles were plastered on our faces.

Everything was perfect. We were finally given a shot at being Teenagers. I was given a shot at finally being normal, which was something that I always wanted.

That was the eye before the storm. The weeks ahead would test everything that we knew. Yes, I would gain new knowledge and teammates as the journey continued, but I would also lose some of the most important people in my life.

And it was all to keep them safe with something that destiny had already planned for them.

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