First Day On The Job Pt.2

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"There is absolutely nothing going on in Ninjago. It is nothing but a boring city with people that have boring lives." I moaned into the intercom.

"Ninjago is anything but peaceful Jason. You need to stay focused. It would be a shame for you to miss out of the action because you were to busy being a negative Nancy." Wu told me sharply.

"Yeah yeah. I am sure you are going to say evil never sleeps, so neither should you." I said with an eye roll.

"You shouldn't sleep." Wu said.

"I need to sleep. It is how the human body functions." I told him with a sigh.

"But you are an Elemental Master. Not entirely Human Jason. You are more like half." Wu said with a shrug.

"But there is still Human within me. Plus, I like sleep." I said as I watched some shady people enter the bank.

"So does everyone else your age." Wu said as he started slurping.

It was just then when I heard gunshots from the Bank. I started to panic. I didn't know what to do.

"There was gunshots at the bank." I said into the intercom.

"Then do what you have to do to bring justice to the people who fired the gunshots." Wu said as he logged off of the intercom.

I grabbed my grappling hook and shot it to the top of the bank. The line went straight, causing the two buildings to link together

I slid down the line and crashed through the window. The robbers stopped what they were doing and looked at me. Then, they all started to laugh.

"And what are you doing? It isn't the Holiday Kid." One of them said to me with a laugh.

"What are you going to do? Beg us to stop taking the money?" The other one said.

"Oh, I will do much worse than that." I said as I slammed my fists into the ground. Lightning traveled from the ground and shocked the 3rd robber who was closest to the door.

"You citizens must get out of here. It is dangerous." I said in a deep accent.

I watched all of the people run out of the bank screaming and crying. I wonder if it was from shock or fear. I guess it could have been a combination of both.

There were 2 people left in the building besides me. One of the robbers held their gun out towards me with their finger traveling above the trigger. The other Robber held the money in their hand and looked to be planning a breakout.

"Oh come on guys. I don't understand why you can't just wake up from your shock." I said as I shot lightning out of my hands and towards the two of them.

"What kind of a freak are you?" The one with the gun asked.

"I could ask you the same thing." I said as I grabbed my rope and tied the two together.

"Like we are the freaks! At least we aren't the ones endangering people with stupid lightning." One of the voices said.

It was sounding familiar to me, like I had heard the voice countless times before. I couldn't work up the courage to take off their masks.

"I don't shoot guns at people who are just trying to get some of their own money." I said as I watched the Police come in.

The commission Chief looked at me with confusion. I simply smiled at him, even though I knew he couldn't see it through my mask.

"Thank you?" He asked me, not really knowing what to say.

"Any time. I cannot wait to work with you in the future." I said in a deep voice.

I was going to need to create some sort of new technology that would make my voice more vibrated or deeper, because this was starting to get hard.

"In the future?" He asked me in confusion.

"I will be here to help when I am needed. If I didn't step in, you wouldn't have caught the guys." I said as I made my way towards the shadows.

"Wait!" He yelled at me when I almost disappeared.

"Yes?" I asked, not stepping out of the Shadows.

"What should I call you? What is your name?" He asked me.

"Call me the Blue Ninja." I said as I disappeared into the night.

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