The Garmadons: Part 1

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Lloyd POV

I haven't seen my parents in years. They were often a touchy subject for me to discuss, and I don't know where I would be right now if my Uncle had decided not to take me in. I hadn't always lived with my Uncle either. I used to live at the School for Bad Boys because that was where my Father left me. Wu came and found me a year later after hearing about what he had done.

I don't remember life at home with my parents that much. I can count the amount of times that they interacted together peacefully with one hand. I didn't understand how they could have had me with how they acted at home. They were always so cold and distant. It was something that I always remembered about that house. If there was quiet there, that was because one of them wasn't home.

My Mom was a famous adventurer, and often the one who was home with me. She would tell me stories about the things and places that she found and explored. They were often really cool tales that made awesome bedtime stories. I remember her sitting on the end of my bed and using her hand gestures and talking about the caverns she explored under Ninjago until I fell asleep. She had an adventurous spirit, so it really shouldn't have surprised me when she decided to leave and never come back.

The main thing I remember besides the stories that I heard was the final fight that my Parent's had before they left. Sometimes, I can still see the plates and furniture that were being thrown around. There was also shouting, so much shouting. My Mom told my Dad that she wasn't going to come back. I thought she was joking until it was obvious. She literally never came back. I remember waiting by the window thinking that she would come home that day. As the days ticked by though, I knew the answer. It was only a matter of time before my Dad abandoned me in a house to learn to be a warlord like what he wanted to do since he was born.

No one liked my Dad really. They all only acted like it. He was a powerful and famous man who ran a school on the opposite side of town. Of course, I knew what he was really up to. I knew that the whole school was just to distract everyone else what was actually going on with him. He was accomplishing his dreams just like Mom was accomplishing hers. He always wanted me to work with him, which was why I was sent to that place. I never joined him, and he never came to come get me. He knew where I was and who I was with.

I told myself that I wasn't ever going to see that Man again. I wanted nothing to do with him. However, Jay was my Brother. If breaking that oath I made to myself was going to save him, then so be it. Jay was the closest thing that I had to an actual family in a very long time. All of my friends were the most important things to me. They were all family. They were all going to be my top priorities. There success was going to be my success too.

Approaching this building that used to be my Home all of those years ago brought back so many memories. Part of me wished that I didn't have to do it alone, but I knew that this was something that I needed to do alone. Everyone had their own important task that they needed to complete, and this one was mine. It reminded me that there were some things that should probably be left in the dark.

In my mind, the plan was simple. I just had to figure out where the operation that my Dad had was at. It would probably be close to that. Then, I would get in and get out with hopefully little to no confrontation. Of course, I knew that it was probably going to be a long shot. There were a lot of things that I was going to have to get passed and do to even get into close proximity of the device. 

If there was one thing that my Dad loved to do more than anything else, it was make his valuables almost impossible to get to. The key word there being almost. I just had to get in through that very small probability. I actually really liked those odds. It would probably be one of the more risky things that I have ever done as a Ninja so far. Then again, I was just getting started.

The key was still in the same place that it was in all of those years ago. I couldn't help but wonder if anyone was actually ever over at this place. They honestly probably never were, which made it the perfect place to hide any plans that he didn't want to let the public know what he was doing. That was always my Father's strategy. He would tell me to hide things in the places that were too obvious because then people wouldn't think to actually look there. He would say that they would always try to look for your angle at the impossible, not in your angle at the probable. 

Stepping inside, it was clear that there were some things that were clearly changed. There were papers everywhere. Blueprints, passwords, sticky notes, you name it. Everything that you could ever think of for a base was there. I saw some red on the floor, and forced my brain not to think about what that probably was. I was trying so hard not to think of my Father as a mobster, and that was probably going to prove that he was with how it looked.

"What are you up to, Dad?" I whispered to myself as I looked at the things more closely.

There were things and chairs scattered in such a way that it made me think that they had to leave quickly. Perhaps they were scared that they were going to get caught if they stayed in this location for too long. Maybe, they were discovered and they had to clean up the evidence. That would explain the red that was on the... No Lloyd. You stop thinking about that right now. He didn't. 

The thing that really sparked my interest was the plans to Borg Tower that were in the middle of the table. I immediately realized that must be where he is running his things. It would make sense. There were abandoned caverns and tunnels everywhere below Borg Tower. There was no way though that Borg didn't know what was happening in his main company building.

"What does Borg have to do with this?" I asked, still looking at the Tower, figuring out the best way to get in was.

Borg was connected to everything that was happening in some way, I suppose. Ed and Edna both worked for him on occasion, and that was where Jay wanted to work for a long time from what I understand. The break-ins that where happening were going around the Tower, but never at it. Not to mention, it appeared my Dad was doing something stupid bellow the stupid structure. 

"Hey, Lloyd?" Cole called in on his Intercom, which made me jump.

"What's up?" I asked, taking pictures of the structures. 

"Zane found a lead on Jay. We think that he was last seen between 34 and Brick Street. It is weird though. Zane said that the recording cuts out though, as if someone was trying to block it. They did a terrible job though." Cole said, and I could hear is frown in his voice.

"Isn't that the street where Borg Tower is at?" I asked, connecting the dots.

"Yeah, why? Do you think we should go investigate it? Zane and I were on the way to the Commissioner." Cole explained as he sounded out of breath.

"I already have to head over there. I'll let you guys know if I find anything. Let me know what you get from the Police, and see if you can get ahold of Kai and Nya." I ordered, already running out the door.

"Will do. Be safe Greenie." Cole said as his voice went silent.

Well, I guess that we have a mystery to solve at Borg Tower.

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