Heartbreak and Plans

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Lloyd POV (Changing it up... Lol)

I looked around at my team members. An ambulance took Kai to the hospital almost 10 minutes ago, and Nya quickly went with him. I for was was a little bit thankful for that because I couldn't deal with her breaking down in front of me. I myself was barely holding it together, and I knew that if she started that I would too.

My mind couldn't seem to get around what I had witnessed. One minute he was there, and the next he was gone. It didn't make sense at all. I looked over at where the 2 adults had previously been, and felt my chest rise in guilt. They had also been taken away by the paramedics, and the police were everywhere in the area, investigating. Wu was on his way here, and I am sure that Ray and Maya would be at least on there way to the hospital right now.

The change in the atmosphere chilled me to the bone. It reminded me of when Jay and I found the body here a while ago, and thinking about that made my chest and stomach hurt more. Libbie and Cliff seemed like the kind of people Jay needed in his life with everything that was coming at him. I judged them before I got to know them. I felt sick at myself for the nagging feeling that was still in my mind that they were up to something. They wouldn't have been in the hospital if they were up to something, and yet something in my gut told me that I was missing a vital piece of information. 

I glanced over at Zane to see him completely lost in thought. I realized that he was talking to Jay and went with him right before all of this went down. Was he feeling just as guilt as I was? I mean, I am for completely different reasons, but at least it was the same emotion. I couldn't bring myself to look over at Cole. He too was going through a lot with his Mrs.Brookestone falling mysteriously ill, and I knew that this was adding shit to his life that he didn't need right now. Jay was his best friend, and his mom was dying, though he never actually admitted it. I couldn't bring myself to talk to Cole yet, so I went over to Zane.

"You alright, buddy?" I asked as I hesitantly looked up towards him.

"Jay said that he felt like something bad was going to happen today. I thought he was just being superstitious. I should have..." Zane said as he looked back towards the floor, still not crying but deep in thought.

"You can't blame yourself." I told him, to which Zane growled at me.

"Not that. I know better than to go down that rabbit hole. This was a planned attack. There are too many coincidence for it to be otherwise." Zane said as Cole came and hesitantly joined them.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I tried to give Cole a reassuring smile that I knew failed miserably.

"There is no way that Ed could have knocked both Libbie and Cliff out without one of them being able to escape. It isn't possible for one person to do that. Not to mention where they are located. Ed wouldn't have been able to move them both there in the time it took us to get here. They most certainly would have had to let him in." Zane said as he looked over to where the 2 had previously been, still thinking.

"So what? Are you trying to say that they were wingmen for this operation? That is probably the stupidest  thing I have heard." I said as I looked at Zane like he was crazy.

"Jay said that his parents were keeping something from him. He heard them fighting. He never figured out what it was about from the knowledge I have. I don't know if that was still the case though." Cole said slowly as he tried to think about the conversation that he had with him earlier.

"You guys are being ridiculous! No parent would hire someone to kill their own child." I said, still sticking up for his friend's parents.

"Ed pointed a gun to his head, Lloyd. It is definitely in the realm of possibility. YOU need to look at the facts. WE don't really know his parents. WE just met them today. THEY were too far away to be where they were. There is no way that Ed COULD have knocked them out. THEY could have been wearing a fake personality for all WE know. Jay most CERTAINLY did that for MOST of HIS life." Cole snapped, fire burning in his eyes.

It was silent again after that. I couldn't find an argument against that, and Cole was looking like he was going to murder someone. It made my stomach churn uncomfortably. I knew he was speaking out of frustration, and I knew I was frustrated too. This shouldn't keep happening to Jay. Not now or ever, and definitely not on his birthday of all days. I started to think.

"I'll call Nya and have her see if she can get to Cliff and Libbie. I don't agree with doing that, but you both seem really sure that they had something to do with it. I'll head out with Wu and see if I can try to pinpoint where he would be." I finally said slowly.

"And how are you going to do that?" Zane asked as he raised his eyebrows.

"I'll go steal an Elemental abilities tracker from my Dad. It should help us figure out where the most Lightning is coming from. Before you ask, we aren't going to talk about my Dad right now. That is for the next story." I said as I quickly shook my head no at them.

"What about us, oh great leader?" Cole asked with sarcasm, still not happy with one of my previous statements.

"I want you 2 to go and just start covering ground. Cole, you can go on ground and roof or whatever. Just say it is Ninja business if someone asks. Zane, I want you to hit the cameras of the city. Again, just use the excuse I gave Cole. Look for anything suspicious. Also, one of you see if you can get in contact with the Police Commissioner and ask for everything about Ed. They might already have a lead. I'll see if I can get Wu to try and talk to Edna. Maybe she would know of somewhere that Ed would take Jay." I said as I watched my Uncle come into the building, hiding any emotion he didn't want me to see.

"Go Ninja Go." We said to each other as we nodded and went in opposite directions.

"Where is everyone going?" Wu asked as he stroked his beard and took a sip of tea from his cup.

"We're going to save our brother." I said, already dreading the confrontation I was about to have with my Father. 

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