Scapegoat (The Garmadons- Part 2)

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Lloyd POV 

I was running for my life. Truth be told, that was something that I have been getting used to as a Ninja, but it will never compare to having to run for my life from my own Father. It hurt to breathe as I turned a corner and tried to pick up my pace. My breath appeared from my mouth and kept briefly fogging my vision as I turned to another dead end. 

At this point, the Elemental Finder was poking profoundly against my side as I realized I was stuck here. I could hear the feet of the Unmasked approaching closer and my breathing picking up as I realized that I was perhaps doomed here forever. All because I was stupid and didn't turn off my phone when I was almost out of danger. 

Would my Father actually kill me? I wouldn't put it past him. Would my Mother ever know of my death? Would she find out that I was a Ninja? I was doubtful for that. She cared too much about her stupid adventure job to care about me. What about my Uncle and Friends? This mission was key to finding Jay, and I failed. I failed my brother. 

As I looked up to the sound of my own doom, I couldn't help but pray to the First Spinjitzu Master. Please help me. Please don't see me.  I was  a Garmadon though, and my luck always sucked. This was it. This was going to be the end. I was going to die. Well, hopefully they will have gotten my message. Jay would hopefully be alive and well when they did eventually find him. Not how I imagined going out, but I guess that I will be okay in the end. I shut my eyes as the leader of the Unmasked approached me and took off his helmet. This was the end.


Lloyd POV (4 hours Earlier)

I frowned as the smell of the sewers hit my nose at once. I was about 3 miles away from Borg Tower, which I guess wasn't too bad considering. I couldn't get closer without the risk of them spotting me, and I couldn't let them spot me. This mission was too important to do correctly without having a problem with it. Jay depended on this mission.

I am mainly worried about being outnumbered. I have no idea of what the numbers of the Unmasked are if I were to encounter them. Not to mention, my father was somewhere around here, and I didn't want to deal with him. I couldn't deal with him right now. There was no time in which I could. If I don't do this, they are going to be looking for Jay a lot longer than what they could be, and we cannot be longer. There is no telling what torture he may be facing.

I just knew that the Unmasked wanted Jay for something. I knew that they were working for Ed. I wouldn't be surprised if Jay knew about this group and didn't say anything. God, I hope that he didn't know about this group and not tell us. This seemed like need to know information. To be fair, I didn't know of my father's involvement until today. Hell, none of us knew of our parents involvement until a couple of hours ago thanks to Nya.

I was mainly confused of how Borg and maybe even Borg Tower was involved in this. I knew how much Cyrus Borg hated my father. Everyone in Ninjago hated my father. I was confused as to why he would hold them here if he hated them so badly. I wanted to believe that Borg was innocent and had no part in this, but he was the tie that connected everything together. 

Cyrus had Ed and Edna working for him. Jay wanted to work for him before everything went down. Nelson knew Cyrus before he died. To top it off, now we had the Unmasked working in Borg Tower, which was still technically Cyrus Borg's property. Of course, this could all be a coincidence, and I hope that this is is all a coincidence, but I have to think of every possible theory and outcome.

The main issue that I couldn't think of was why. I couldn't come up with a reason as to why Cyrus would do such a thing. It made no sense at all. He had a good relationship with Ed and Edna, and a good relationship with Nelson. He probably would have had a good relationship with Jay if he had ever gotten a chance to meet him. Maybe he would want Jay's intelligence? That wasn't even solid because Cyrus was already so smart. 

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