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I was aware that I was being dragged into another room yet again for the 5 time in the last 2 hours. The Ninja must be here, and they must be trying to keep up the charade that they are trying to keep me hidden when I know that is far from the truth. Truth be told, this was basically an extreme game of capture the flag or even hide and seek. The only difference is that if I do one wrong move, my life would suddenly be gone.

Generally speaking, I would have just done something for them to kill me awhile ago, however no one would have been there to protect Nya and everyone else. They aren't fully aware of what they are up against like I am. They don't understand the danger that they are about to have to go up against. 

Though, me protecting them might be harder than I first thought seeing as how I have yet to get my powers back, probably meaning they are either shooting vengestone into my veins or they are slipping it into my food and drink. If I get out of this alive, I am not going to be able to trust any food or drink unless I or maybe one of the guys or Nya make it. Honestly, kind of depressing seeing as how much I have grown to love Fast Food as I have been living with Wu and Lloyd in the heart of Ninjago City.

I turned my attention to the small device that I was creating when I heard the door close again. It was an override to the device that I had just finished that was currently be inspected probably by Nelson or Ed. It was a dangerous thing, this small little thing that I had in my hand. Either way, this small little device was the key to Ninjago's survival. Ninjago's survival is so much more important than my own anyway.

If I was caught with this device, there is no telling what they would do to me. Of course, I had a pretty good idea of what was to become of me either way if they found out I created this device or not, but still. Something told me it was going to be so much worse if they found me with this small little contraption. 

I started humming the Weekend Whip as I continued my work. I needed to re-cross the wiring on this again. It was hard having to figure this out without having it planned out before hand. Most of the technology that I had to use was technology that I have heard about but was too poor to actually get. There was just so many things that was out of my comfort zone in this experience that I have found myself in, though I shouldn't have thought anything else for being kidnapped by my deranged father to find out that my brother was alive and also a psychopath.

'God, my life is like a soap opera on the CW.'

I heard clashing outside my door, though I didn't think much of it. The guards that were tasked to look after me were often loud. However, as the noise grew louder, I grew more and more concerned. They were never that loud before. Before I could contemplate what was going on, 2 of the newer guards came in and started dragging me away.

'Ahh. The Ninja must have been close.'

It really was only a matter of time, and I wonder how much longer we are going to keep doing this game of cat and mouse. Honestly, it was so amusing and terrifying and boring all in one go, and those were 3 emotions I never thought that I would feel in the same time. It made my stomach feel all queasy, and I really hated that feeling. 

As we walked down the hall, I noticed movements in the shadows, which instantly made the hairs on my neck rise again. I figured that the guards must have noticed this too as they instantly stopped and looked around the room and guarded me, which made me roll my eyes. They were more terrified at whatever this was than I was. 

"Who's there?" One of them questioned, and I slowly started to realize that maybe I should be scared like they were.

'To think that this is my life was astounding. I am going to need a lot of therapy later.'

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