Blackouts and Hospitals

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I heard a steady set of breathing enter my senses. The faint sound of beeping that I had once heard was slowly growing louder by the minute. I could hear talking now.

"When is he going to wake up?" Someone asked.


"This is all of my fault. I knew he wasn't ready for it." 

Most definitely my Mother.

"Your too hard on him dear. His brain just needed a nap." 


I tried to open my eyes, but the light blinded me every time. To let people know that I was awake, I moved my body ever so slightly.

Slowly, I opened my eyes only to once again be blinded by the light.

"Why are we in a hospital? You know clowns hide in this place." I mumbled.

"That's a video game, dear." Ma replied.

"You say video game, I say real life." I mumbled back to her as I focused my vision to Nya.

"When did you get here?" I asked as I studied her.

"You have been out for a few days. Edna called Maya and told her that you had passed out and was being rushed to the hospital. Mother told me, and I rushed down here as fast as I could. I am glad that you are okay." Nya whispered as she sat on my bed and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

Nya continued to lay on my shoulder.

"Do you know what was wrong with him?" Pops asked the doctor.

"Based on the information that we have gathered from IT, we can conclude that your son had a mixture of a shock and panic attack. That is why it took as long as it did for him to wake up compared to our other patients that have similar cases. However, I am quite impressed with his IQ scores. That is the highest that I have seen." The doctor said as she pointed to the chart.

I felt Nya's gaze on me, but I refused to look up to her.

"When can I go home?" I asked as I looked out the window.

"Seeing how it was nothing too serious, I suppose that you can go home tonight. I think all you need is a few days home from school, laying down in bed, and in the dark. Have a good day." The doctor said as he rushed out the door to other patients.

I sat up slowly as I started to get ready to leave.

"And where do you think that you are going?" Pops asked.

"Home." I said as I walked out the door.

"I don't think so Mister." Pops told me.

"You aren't even my parent. You have lied to me for my entire life. I am going home, and that is final." I said as I started storming off.

"Jay. Try to listen." Nya whispered to me as she caught up.

I knew that I shouldn't have done what I did next, but something inside of me snapped.

"No, Nya. This is my life. You are just in it by choice. It is always I totally get what you are going through. Don't think I notice how you are with Cole. I have seen it happen." I told her as I stopped.

"Jay, you don't know what you are talking about." Nya told me as she held my hand.

I ripped it away.

"I know exactly what I am talking about. One example of this was the other day when I walked into a dinning area and you 2 were holding hands. Don't tell Jay is what you said. It turns out that Jay heard. Jay heard every word. I tried to let it roll. I tried to think that you were wrong. That these were mixed signals, but you are just like everyone else." I said as I looked at her.

Nya said nothing. She looked at me with a guilty expression.

"That's what I thought. You know what? Nadakhan deserve you. You both just make life hell on wheels for me." I told her as I stormed off.

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