Colors and Bonds

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I waved goodbye to everyone as they dropped me off at the entrance to the junkyard. I smiled as I stepped inside. My smile quickly was wiped away when I entered the house and saw my parents glaring daggers at me.

"Is something wrong?" I asked them with concern.

"Where have you been? You cannot just leave the house for long periods of time without telling your parents. Do you understand that we almost had to call the police? Where was your phone?" My Father asked as he bombarded me with questions.

"I must have just left my phone in my room. You know that I do that all of the time. I was just out at the mall with a few people from school. I am sorry that you almost called the police because of my actions. You don't have to be so dramatic about it." I told him with an eye roll.

"See! This is what I am talking about. You have changed in the wrong direction since coming to this school. You'bore grounded until further notice! No leaving the house. No having your phone. Just sitting in your room with the lights out and dinner!" Dad yelled.

I tossed my phone as tears were running down my face. I didn't even see my room to know where I was going. I quickly locked the door and felt my body sink to the floor. I focused on my breathing and staying calm about everything. I laid my head to the back of the door and hoped that things would be better one day.


I tried to forgive my parents, but I just couldn't anymore. I grabbed my phone from the counter and walked to the school that day instead of driving. I didn't want to talk to them unless I absolutely had too.

"JAY!!!" I heard 2 people shout as I was walking.

I turned my head to see Nya and Kai rushing up to me, their faces were red tomatoes. They looked at me with a smile and a concerned expression.

"Hey guys!" I said as I forced a smile. They didn't seem to notice.

"Where have you been? We got so much work in class." Nya said as she pulled me into a hug.

I couldn't help but blush.

"I know we did lots of work. My parents got the work for me so that I wouldn't fall behind. I got put to bed because I was..." I started as I thought why I was put to bed, "Sick." I finished.

"Well, I am glad that you are feeling better." Nya said as she looked into my eyes.

"You guys are going to make me throw up!" Kai yelled as he separated us.

"You are so immature." Nya said.

"Are not." Kai said back.

"Are too." Nya said as she shoved him.

"Besides Kai, we are not lovers, just friends." Nya said as she looked at me.

I dodged her gaze as I walked ahead of the 2 siblings. I could still feel my heart burn with sadness.I needed time to be alone.

It wasn't long before I was at my locker and sitting in class with Mrs.Brookstone.

"Good morning class! Welcome back, Jason! I hope that you feel better." Mrs.Brooke said.

I heard a few students snicker.

"Today is group or independent work day. Here is the packet you will be working on. This beeds to be finished today when you leave, or it will be homework." Mrs.Brooke said as she handed me the packet.

"Hey Jay, do you want to work on the packet with us?" Zane asked.

"Thanks for the offer Zane, but I just finished." I told him as I handed Mrs.Brooke my packet.

I heard the other kids laughing at me and calling me a nerd. I took a deep breath and walked back to my desk. I felt spit balls hit my head.

When lunch came around, I didn't sit with them. I acted like I didn't hear them calling my name and walked outside and on the roof. I ate in silence.

"That was really cool how you handled those kids." Nya said as she sat next to me.

"How did you find me?" I asked her.

"I come up here when I need to think in the quiet." Nya told me as she smiled.

"I see." I told her as I looked up to the Sun.

We sat there in silence for a while. I could feel her staring at me. Studying me and my posture. I ignored it for awhile, but I couldn't forever.

"What is it?" I asked her as I looked to her.

"What was the real reason you were gone last week?" Nya asked me.

I sighed as I looked to the sky.

"I was grounded. I left my phone on my bed and my parents got scared. They had me in the house for the week. Before you go blaming yourself, it was all my fault. I should have been more careful." I told her as I looked to the sky.

"What is grounded?" Nya asked as she looked at me.

"It is where you get in trouble to the extent that something is taken from you for a certain period of time. In my case, it was electronics and freedom. Have you never been grounded?" I asked her.

I watched as she shook her head.

"I never really have seen my parents to be grounded. Kai has been the only one part of my life for as long as I can remember. I only see my Father at dinner, and I see my Mother for English. I lied to you when I said that it was weird that you didn't have a good connection with your parents. I know what it is like." Nya confessed.

"Why did you tell me that?" I whispered to Nya.

"I don't know. I have never shared that with anyone. I guess you special." Nya told me as she started walking away.

"Nya, wait!" I called to her.

"Yes Jay?" She asked.

"Blue." I told her.

"What about it?" She asked me.

"How do you feel about blue?" I asked her.

"It's my favorite color." Nya told me as she walked away.

I watched her walk away and sigh. I was in love.

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