Dinner With The Smiths

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Mrs.Smith and I arrived at a house in the small country side of Ninjago City. It looked rustic. I always liked that kind of style and texture. It was calming, peaceful.

Waiting outside was Nya and Kai as they appeared to be pacing. They didn't notice that I was there until their Mother slammed the car door. I swear that I saw the car and house shaking.

"JAY!!!" Nya screamed as she rushed over to me and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Kai walked over to me and pulled me into a half hug as he told me that he was thankful I didn't get killed.

"What happened to you?" Kai whispered to me when we got into his room while Nya helped make dinner.

"Nadakhan and Morro happened." I told him as I picked up my phone.

"Ahhh. They threw you into a locker." Kai said in realization.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his answering.

"What did you do to get on their bad side? You haven't even been here for a month yet." Kai asked as he went onto his phone.

"It involves your sister." I admitted.

At the mention, Kai quickly got off of his phone.

"What happened?" Kai asked me.

"Boys! Dinner is ready!" We heard Nya shout for our attention.

"I will have to tell you later." I told Kai as I got up and walked with Kai towards the table.

That was when dinner began. I sat next Nya and Kai as their parents sat on the other side. Their Father cleared his throat.

"So, Jay. What are your classes?" Mr.Smith asked me as he eyed me.

"I am in all of the classes with your daughter." I told him as I looked at him.

"What are your plans for after high school?" He asked me.

"Umm. I am planning on doing on going to college. From there, I will probably stay in the city for work and work with Cyrus Borg like my Father and sometimes Mother does." I told him as I went back to eating.

"I heard that you have been to 12 different schools. Why is that?" Mr.Smith pressed.

"I am not allowed to say why. I will let you know that it was not because I was a bad kid. I am just different than most kids." I said carefully.

I felt Nya grab my hand as I put my hand under the table. I smiled at her as she smiled back.

After dinner, I helped with the dishes. Though Mr.Smith said I didn't have to, I insisted. He finally agreed.

"Would you like to stay the night?" Kai asked me from the doorway.

I looked at him in confusion.

"I asked my parents if you could stay over. They already talked to your parents and they said it was fine. If you ask me, I swear that you are their favorite of our friends." Kai said as he helped me with the dishes.

"We can do that. We need to talk about Morro and Nadakhan." I told Kai as I finished the dishes.

I felt Kai tense beside me as we walked back to his room and closed the door.

"Tell me everything." Kai demanded as we sat on his bed.

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