Take back

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The day's slowly turned into a month. I sat in my room at Libbie and Cliff's house just like I have been doing sense about a month ago. So much has changed since then. I don't even know where to begin at this point in time, so I will just start with my personal life first.

I only showed up to school one day this entire month. It was the first day of the new week. The others seemed fine without me. Nya seemed fine without me. It sort of hurt. It made me believe that the tape was true. They were fine until Kai ended up spotting me.

The glares that I was given hurt more than blades to my wrist. Mrs.Smith started to treat me different too. It was that day that I decided that I needed to just stop public schooling all together. I packed up my locker, and Libbie and Cliff signed me up for online classes. Classes that I was actually into.

My life in here has changed as well. Since I was no longer training with Wu, I was given a personal trainer to keep up with my general activities. I also started taking music lessons like Piano and Guitar. I have grown closer to these people. I even call them Mom and Dad sometimes, to which I can see the smile on their faces when I do. I also started making guest appearances into some of their work, which includes the new Starfaer movie that comes out in a month. When school ends, they are starting a spin off television show that I will be starring in as the son of Fritz and my wild adventures, so I guess that will be fun.

Now, this is where my new normal sort of bleeds in with my Ninja work.

I have been exploring the house and doing what I can to find out about the body that was located there. I didn't know what was different about this house, but I could feel the passages in here that I have yet to find. I have been focusing on a majority of my Ninja skills to that. It seemed to be part of a bigger picture that I have yet to see, and the thought of that scared me.

The Ninja force has also expanded. It is complete the last that I heard. I quickly started avoiding them though when I realized who all was on that team. I didn't know if they knew who I was, but I 100% knew who they were, and I just don't need the drama in my life right now with that. I feel bad that I basically abandoned Master Wu. I basically abandoned Ninjago as a whole, but I was hanging up my mask for now. I am not getting involved unless I am actually needed to.

-Jay Gordon-Walker

I sighed as I finished signing my name into my journal. I was making my first public appearances with my parents. It was basically to confirm the rumor that I was their son. That we had been reunited, and that I was quickly following in their footsteps. I didn't really seem like me, but I was really good at it, and kind of enjoyed it. It was fun playing this sort of part.

"Jay are you ready to go?" Libbie asked as she knocked on my door.

"Is Dad ready to go?" I countered, knowing that he took the longest to get ready.

"Well aren't you a smarty pants? Get into the car. We will be in there in a minute." Libbie said as she kissed my cheek.

"Okay Mom, but gross." I said as I tried to wipe off the invisible mark that was there.

As I sat in the car, I couldn't help but think about my... who were once my friends. I learned that the video had been edited to before I was there a couple of weeks ago. Whoever Nadakhan and Morro's boss was wanted me to stay away from them, and I had to continue this act. I just wish that they knew that too. I could have told them seeing as how they are all Ninja, but I just don't want to see them get hurt. I would rather die than watch something like that because it would have been all of my fault. Why couldn't I ever be a normal Teenager?

I smiled as my parents came into the car. It was a quiet drive, with music playing softly in the background. It was the kind of calm that you would expect that hits before a storm. The storm being that popularity, I imagine.

"Don't be nervous, Jay. It will all be fine." Cliff said as we approached our destination, camera's already out.

"Yes, listen to your Father. I know that it is going to seem overwhelming at first, but it will only be temporary. They will all eventually disappear into the back of your mind." Libbie said as she squeezed my arm.

"Thanks Mom and Dad." I said as we got out of the cars and smiled for the cameras.

The cameras seemed never ending. They just went on for miles and miles with no sign of ending. It was like a never ending pit. When the cameras finally seemed to end, I went and sat on a bench at the park. The same benches that I would be goofing off with them. I felt a tear slowly traveling down my face.

I didn't want all of this fame and publicity. I just want my friends back.

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