Dinner Talk

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"Jason! Nya! Dinner." I heard Libbie call.

I shook my head as I slowly opened my eyes. I didn't remember what had happened last, and was sure that a majority of it was a dream. That was until I realized Nya sleeping beside me. I quietly shook her awake. She looked up at me groggily. I could tell that she wasn't aware of her surroundings because she was confused as to where she was. It seemed to suddenly hit her though as she shot up out of bed and went towards my mirror on the other side of the room.

"I think dinner is ready." I said as I watched her, amused.

"How long have we been out for?" She asked as I closed my bedroom door.

"Don't know. Don't really care either. I am just hoping that Kai is never going to find out I slept with you." I said as I laughed, shuddering at the thought of Kai pounding me to the ground.

"It isn't like we were doing anything. However, I will agree with you. I don't need the sex talk with him again. It was embarrassing enough the first time he gave that." Nya said as her cheeks flamed up for a second, probably thinking about it happening the first time.

"Why is Kai giving you the talk? Isn't that your Parent's job?" I asked as we walked down the stairs and towards the dining room.

"My Parent's are almost never home, remember? Kai basically raised me from when I was 3. They thought that he was able to take care of me when he was 5." Nya said with a little bit of an awkward laugh.

"Sorry. I forgot about that. I wasn't thinking." I said as I kissed her head and gave her an apologetic smile.

"Hey. Don't worry about it. We both forget things." She said, probably referring to her earlier comment about Ed and Edna.

We walked in silence for the rest of the way. It wasn't uncomfortable by any means. It was never that way when we walked in silence. We didn't need to fill the silence like other couples did, and I liked that. I always talked the most, but I stopped when it was just me and her. She knew who I was, and I was glad that I didn't need to make that more evident.

My parents were sitting across from 2 empty seats, to which I am assuming was for Nya and I. The table had salad and pasta sitting in between us, and our butler was filling up water at each of the table seats. Libbie and Cliff were smiling at us, but it felt a little off. I didn't want to press it. I just assumed that they fought again while we were both sleeping.

We took our seats and began to eat. It was very quiet, but it was fine because it was always quiet when we ate. Nya occasionally shared a smile with me or Libbie before going back to eating. I would smile back, and noticed that Libbie and Cliff were having a silent conversation. I wasn't going to worry about it. I had other things to worry about than thinking that they were talking about her. I didn't care what they thought.

"So Jay tells us that you have a brother?" Cliff said as he tried to start a conversation.

"Yeah. He is my older brother. His name is Kai. We are very close." Nya said as she nodded.

"I think that is very cool that you have a close relationship with your brother. I had a close relationship with my brother too." Libbie said with a smile that seemed a little forced.

"Had?" I asked, as this was the first time she talked about having a sibling.

"Yes. Pythor was a very kind and gentle soul. He even married and had a daughter. You went to the wedding shortly before I gave you up." Libbie said as she smiled sadly at me, then at Nya.

"Is he no longer with us?" Nya asked as she started to reach across the table.

"No. After his daughter was born, he became obsessed with power. That led to his demise. You met your cousin the other day, Jay." Libbie said as she looked up towards me.

At first, I was very confused. Then, I remembered the night that I caught them fighting the first time. A women Libbie's age and a girl around my age accompanied us. It all of the sudden click. I could understand now.

"Ahh. Rumi." I said as I nodded, remembering now.

"Rumi?" Nya asked as she looked towards me in confusion.

"Her name is Harumi. I met her the day that I had to come home early. She is a lot like Lloyd. I am going to have Kai set them up the minute that she transfers." I said with a laugh, just picturing the transaction.

"She is transferring?" Nya asked, still confused.

"That is why we met up with them. They are moving into the City, so we went to welcome them. She is transferring to go to your high school, but I think that she really just wanted to be homeschooled like Jason is doing right now." Cliff explained, butting into the conversation.

The rest of the dinner went in silence. I could tell Nya was processing the information, much like I was. I didn't know much about our family, not that I wanted to. It was all too confusing and power hungry. I better not become like Pythor because I will actually kill someone if I do. I didn't want that person to be Nya. 

Nya watched me as I did the dishes. She had tried to help, but I insisted that I could do it. I knew that she was going to have to go home soon. My phone already kept vibrating from a very upset Kai. Nya was going to be a little bit late, and so she asked him to cover for her. Of course, they weren't expecting Ray and Maya to come home earlier than normal. 

"I have to take off. My parents are home earlier, and I think that they are starting to suspect that I am not home anymore." Nya said as I finished.

"Do you want me to walk you home?" I asked as I smiled at her then put my attention to my parents who had entered the room.

"No. I am having Cole pick me up. It would be faster if he drove anyway." Nya said as she smiled before kissing my cheek goodbye. 

"It was nice meeting you, Nya." Libbie said as she pulled her into a loose hug.

"Thanks for having me." Nya responded as she shook Cliff's hand.

"Hey, Mr.Gordon?" Nya asked as she started to walk towards the door.

"Yes? And please, call me Cliff." Cliff said as he smiled at her.

"I would be happy to make her feel welcomed in anyway that I can. Harumi. I know it can be weird starting a new school like that. We had to do it before." Nya offered as she looked towards Cliff and smiled.

"Just have her meet Lloyd. I am telling you." I said as I shrugged my shoulders, ignoring her eyeroll that she gave me as she walked out the door.

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