Cole, Wu, and Me

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"You didn't do anything that would have compromised what you do, did you?" Wu asked when I  finished telling the story.

Cole was waiting outside.

"I just let him punch me. Kept on the cuffs the entire time. I didn't fight back. I know not to without the mask." I told him with a stern face.

"Good. Will I see you today for training?" Wu asked me as he looked at Cole, who was pacing.

"Actually, today, I want to skip training. I need to balance my time with friends too." I told Wu with a smile.

"You are learning." Wu stated as he looked at me.

"Only because I have the best teacher." I told him as I did our bow when we were done with training.

With a wave, I left the office and went over to where Cole was pacing.

"Why are you so worried? You're not in trouble." I told him to let him.

"I'm not? I punched Nadakhan." Cole said.

"So?" I asked confused.

"I just punched another Student in the face, Jay! I put my hands on another Student, and I'm not in trouble?" Cole yelled.

"No?" I asked still confused at his reaction.

"Why do you sound confused?" Cole asked me.

"Your reaction is weird. Like you wanted to get in trouble." I stated as I stared at his face.

"Wu is just a very strict person. You would get punished for life for doing something like I did. It is like you and Wu have some sort of secret relationship." Cole said as he eyed me.

"Pff. What? I haven't talked to Wu almost at all." I said as I did an awkward chuckle.

"I'm just teasing, Jay. Stop looking like a deer hit with headlights." Cole said as he laughed at my expression.

"Yeah, sure." I said as I rubbed my neck.

"Do you want to get out of here? I have a new video game that we could try together. Get to know each other a little more." Cole asked as he looked at me and smiled.

"Thank you for the offer, but I am actually spending the night with Kai and Nya tonight." I said as I shook Cole's hand.

"Hey, I get it. No sweat. Maybe we can hangout some other time. Just give me a call." Cole called out to me as he crossed the hallway.

I sighed as I walked the other direction. That was close. That was too close. He could be on to me. Anyone could be onto me. 

I looked over to see Wu staring at me through the blinds. I quickly turned around and continued walking. One thing was for sure, I had to figure it out on my own.

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