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I felt their gazes on me. It was something that I should be used to at this point. The gazes were something that I had always dealt with for as long as I can remember. Yet, I couldn't seem to find my voice. It seemed to be shoved down at the bottom of the sea.

"As you know, I am adopted. My parents are Libbie and Cliff Gordon who are famous actors. We were reunited by my adoptive parents who told me the truth. That is what the public story says anyway. That isn't exactly what happened. That is where everything changed." I admitted as I whispered so that no one could hear our conversation.

"Why would you need a public story?" Zane asked in the same quiet voice as he leaned on the table.

"Wu was the one who reunited us. It was towards the beginning of school for me. When I was becoming friends with all of you. They heard about me from him, and they came to the school. Libbie and Cliff had to give me away. It was the only way that would keep me safe.  The public story was to keep not just me safe, but all of you as well." I said as I looked towards the table.

"But why would they need to keep you safe?" Nya whispered as she started to reach for me before pulling away. 

"Libbie was the old Elemental Master of Lightning." I stated as I finally looked up towards them.

I watched their faces as they began to realize what I was saying. Shock. Confusion. Upset. Told you so. Should have done this awhile ago seemed to appear on Lloyds face. I realized that this was the moment that I feared the most. The realization of what I was telling them. Telling them that I was an Elemental Master like all of them. Telling them that I wasn't being truthful.

"And so when you got the video and realized that it was fake, you stayed away to protect us. You were scared something would happen. Why?" Lloyd said as realization donned on him with my motives.

"It wasn't the first time I was threatened by him. By Morro and Nadakhan. I didn't think much of it until I learned that Nadakhan was working for someone. I think that the body that we found..." I said as I realized I didn't say any of this to them yet.

"It must be related. There is no other explanation." Lloyd agreed as he went into thought.

"What damn body?" Cole asked as he crossed his arms and glared at me.

"At Libbie and Gordons. Lloyd went with me when I decided that I finally was ready to meet them. We found a secret passage and their was a body inside. At first, I thought that it had to do with Libbie and Cliff. Now, I think that was a message for me. Like a warning." I said as I looked towards my hands.

I felt as though a huge weight was released from my shoulders. There was still a lot to do, but I felt almost lighter. It was a relief that I didn't have to lie or hide anymore. I really should have done this awhile ago. When I first started getting threats from Morro and Nadakhan. Not that anyone but Ray and Maya knew that I had been getting bullied. 

It seemed almost obvious now that I was connected to all of this. I somehow was at the middle of this entire operation. It was like I was the missing piece of the puzzle. Yet, something was still bugging me. There was still some piece that I felt I was missing. There was almost certainly something that I was missing. 

"Something still doesn't feel right about that though. Why would they be after you? Lloyd has the most powerful Element." Kai said as he finally unthawed.

"Perhaps it is because he had his powers unlocked the longest. Perhaps his power has manifested longer, so he is more powerful right now." Zane said as he tried to come to a positive conclusion.

"I don't think that is it. According to my Uncle, Elemental Powers are passed down through genes. We are born with it, or it is passed down from a past Elemental. Most cases, it is passed genetically. Generally speaking, it stays within one family line." Lloyd said as he joined the discussion.

"No, I think Zane is on to something. Our powers get stronger over time. Jay has had it shown for the longest, so he is at least a little bit stronger than all of us. Maybe they need someone who can control their Element." Cole said as he nodded with Zane's hypothesis.

"I can't really control my Element. Most of the time, I have to wear vengestone. My Element is really picky on my emotions. It reacts with basically any emotion that I have." I said as I showed them the bracelet that I had.

"I think all Elemental Powers are like that. Perhaps it is just intensified because you are a primary Element." Nya said as she looked towards Kai.

"That theory just brings us back to why Jay. Why not go after Lloyd?" Kai groaned as he slammed his head against the table.

I felt Nya looking at me, and I slowly looked up to her. I could tell that she wanted to say something, or to talk. I felt guilty as I looked up to her. I left her alone while she had to figure out what was going on with her. She had Lloyd and Zane, but I knew that wasn't what was bugging me. She didn't have me there to help her. She didn't have me there to help her, and that was what was making me feel guilty.

"To the park?" I barely whispered to her while everyone seemed to be in some sort of strategy debate.

Nya nodded as she got up and I followed her. One thing was certain. I wasn't out of danger yet, and I was almost certain that I just wrote an invitation for all of my friends to join me in my execution.

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