Where The Wind Blows

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When I was little, Edna would tell me the story of the creation of Ninjago. About how the first Spinjitzu Master created it in a balance of good and evil. I suppose that in the end, everything had to be in balance, even in a family. Nelson had to be evil because I was good. 

I knew we were approaching the final battle, and I had a feeling that everyone was sensing that too. I felt my powers slowly coming back, though I wasn't going to notify Nelson of that. If I did, he would most certainly force the vengestone back in my veins, and I really didn't want that at all.

"You know, Jay, you do at least have a decent eye at picking up girls." Nelson said as he looked at me, and I instantly felt myself stand in front of Nya to hide her if anything else.

"Why, it appears that I have struck a nerve in you brother." Nelson said and I felt myself just wanting to start this battle now.

I probably would have if it wasn't for Nya lightly holding my arm to hold me back, though I could tell that she was really debating on just letting me have my way. I looked up slowly, and I saw Lloyd and Zane looking down at us with wide eyes before Zane put a finger to his lips. I instantly understood of course, though it made me nervous.

Nya must have sensed my newfound nervousness, because she pulled on my arm slightly to ask what was wrong. As discretely as I could, I pointed my eyes up to the ceiling, to which she followed my eyes and instantly understood. She nodded a little bit before focusing on walking straight, though I could tell she wasn't really focusing on what was happening with her feet either.

'Great. I have to make sure that we both aren't being suspicious as fuck. I just had to look up there. Great thinking Jay. Great thinking'.

I felt myself becoming more and more annoyed with myself, though I really needed to stop because Nelson could apparently read me like an open book at this point in time. I really need to learn to control how emotional I get. That is going to have to go on the list of things that I am fixing about myself if I get out of here alive. 

It was then that I noticed Lloyd slip, and I knew that Nelson saw the rocks falling to the ground too. Luck just really hasn't been on my side the past couple of days, and it absolutely sucked with a passion. I think the first thing of good luck is that I am currently holding the most precious thing in the world in my arms, though that might also be bad luck if he turns it against me, which I sure he is going to at some point.

"Ah. How nice of you to join us, where ever you are Ninja." Nelson said without batting an eye, and I seriously was shocked that he hadn't noticed Lloyd being pulled up by Zane.

I noticed Lloyd let out a sigh of relief, and I thought about smacking him upside the head, because whatever he does end up doing, he better not make anymore noise. I bet Zane was telling him that as well based on the amount of arm movements that he was doing and how Lloyd's eyes keep going from wide to apologetic. 

"I told that one Ninja to contact you, though I suspected that he would have been smart enough to assume that I meant for you guys to wait in there with him. Apparently I was wrong. You know Jay, for as smart as you are, you just love surrounding yourself with a bunch of idiots." Nelson addressed me, and I just shrugged because what else do you say to that statement, especially when that statement was true.

I noticed Lloyd flip me off at my shrugging, and I had to try really hard to hold in all of my laughter that I wanted to let loose. I noticed Nelson look at me suspiciously before turning back around again, and I shot Lloyd a look, to which he copied my movement of shrugging. 

'Oh. If we get out of here alive, you are so dead, Garmadon.'

Nelson pulled out a gun and started shooting it in the ceiling, and I watched as they all very narrowly dodged the bullets. I felt my ears ringing from all of the noise, and I noticed that Nya had her head buried in my chest again. I would have comforted her, but I was too busy comforting my hearing.


I watched Lloyd tackle Nelson to the ground, and I watched Lloyd's eyes go wide as he slowly looked up to his wrist that was barely hanging onto his arm. I noticed all of the throw up, and I noticed Nya dash up to Lloyd to help him in anyway that she could, although what he really needed was someone with a medical profession.

I watched Nelson get up and pulled out a knife as he approached Nya and Lloyd, and my eyes fell on the gun that was resting on the floor from Nelson dropping it when Lloyd tackled him. My eyes kept going back and forth from Nelson to the gun, and though it went against everything that I stood for, I realized that there was no other way. It was either Nelson or them, and by this point, I knew that I would always choose them.

I picked the gun up with a shaking hand as my fingers very loosely wrapped themselves around the contraption. I took deep breaths to control myself, and I knew that they weren't doing much to help me or this situation.


"You won't shoot that. It goes against everything you stand for, Jay. You are too weak to shoot that." Nelson stated, and then he started darting towards Nya and Lloyd.

Time moved in slow motion. I was barely aware of my finger pressing into the gun and I was barely aware of the bullets being plunged all into his body. I watched as he turned to me, and I could see all of the blood slowly leaking out of his body. His wide eyes glared at me as he fell to the ground and collapsed, and then I felt my body go down with his.

It was silent for several minutes. It could have also been seconds. Time just stood still. I couldn't help but look at my hands. I was a cold blooded murderer. I just murdered my brother. I just shot him. I wasn't any better than Ed was. Where was Ed? Where was Nadakhan? I didn't care anymore. None of that mattered.

"Jay, we need to go, NOW!" Nya shouted as she pulled me up and grabbed the weapon.

I didn't really notice that Cole somehow joined the group, nor did I notice that Zane was giving Cole instructions about what to say to the doctors about Lloyd's condition. I wasn't aware of Nya pulling me away and shooting me concerned looks. It didn't matter to me really. None of it mattered. 

I took a deep breath as the wind blew around me, and I was sure that the wind was the ghost of Nelson, the first and hopefully only victim to my reign of murder.

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