Family Complications

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I kissed Nya goodbye as I started walking in the rain.

"Are you sure you don't want a ride, Zappy?" Nya asked me as she and her Mother and Brother brought their car up to me.

"I am good, Water Lily. I will text you when I get home though." I told her as I blew a kiss.

"If you are sure..." Nya told me as she looked at me with an unusual emotion.

With that, she left.

It wasn't that I didn't want to ride or talk to her, it was just... It was just complicated. As to where everyone at school and her family knew of our relationship, I hadn't told my parents. I promised her that I did, and I feel really bad for lying, its just that my parents and I have a bad patch in our relationship right now.

I didn't talk to them unless I had too, and they did the same for me. I knew that they were keeping something away from me, just like I am sure that they knew I was keeping something from them.

I looked up at the lightning that danced in the sky as I let my breath go. I always have this feeling that how I am feeling is connected to the weather. Like, well, like me and the weather are one if that makes sense.

I continued to count the tears from the sky that fell on my head up until I got home. I saw my Mother looking at me as my Father looked at the door.

"Is everything okay?" I felt myself ask, but I really didn't care.

"Everything is fine. I think that it is time that we have a family talk. There is something that we need to tell you." My Dad said as he directed me into the house.

"I have something that I need to tell you too." I told them as I took a seat on the old couch.

"Why don't you go first honey." My Mom said as she smiled and looked me in the eye.

"Um... Well... I don't really know how to say this, so I am just going to say this straight as it is. Ma, Pop, there is this girl that I have known since the first day of school, and we have hung out a lot these past 2 months, and well...." I started saying.

"Son, you are rambling. Just get to the point." Pop told me as he looked at me with his cold eyes.

"I... I... I... I have a girl friend." I finally got out.

My parents looked at me shocked as I studied the floor. We stayed silent for several minutes. None of us knowing what to say.

"That... That is great, honey." My Mother forced herself to stay as she plastered on a smile that was painful.

We sat in silence again.

"You said that you have something that you would like to say to me too?" I asked as I hoped that I could move this conversation along.

"You might want to sit down for this, honey." Ma told me as she studied my face.

"I am already sitting, Ma." I told her as I pointed to my figure.

"I guess you are right." Mother told me.

"Son, there really is no easy way to say this." My Dad told me as I felt myself sit up.

"What is it?" I asked as I looked at them both with concern.

"Son... Jay... You are adopted." Dad spit out. 

I felt my world slowly start turning.

"What?" I was able to breath out.

"Your Father is Cliff Gordon. He is a famous actor." Mom, or I guess not anymore, said.

"I need to be alone." I said as I stood up and walked towards my room.

I clutched onto the walls for support. My head was spinning like cartwheels and my legs were wobbling like jelly. I opened my door and felt my hand shake off of it. My body slammed into the door, causing it to close.

I didn't even make it to my bed before I passed out onto the floor.

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