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"You'll always keep me safe, right? Protect me from the monsters?" I asked as I pulled the covers up to my face.

"Yes. There will be no monsters to get you. You are going to be safe, Jay. I promise." Edna whispered as she kissed the top of my head.

"Ma?" I called as I watched her start to leave.

"Yes?" She asked as she stopped to look back at me and smile.

"Why do you promise you'll protect me? Why do you try to keep me safe?" I asked as I looked up towards her eyes.

"Because I love you, Jay. Love makes you do crazy things, and sometimes you cannot control what you feel. You are special, Jay. You are destined to grow up and do great things. You'll blow us all away, Jay, and I know you won't understand that now, but you will someday. You'll understand. I love you, Jay." Edna said as she turned and closed the door.

"I love you too, Ma." I whispered as I closed my eyes and slowly drifted to sleep.

I stood in front of the trailer, memories blinking in front of me. They were good memories, not from this place, but from all of the other places that I lived. I didn't live here long enough to make good memories here. The only memories that I have of this place was sad. I didn't like those memories. 

I hadn't come back since the incident. I couldn't bring myself to do it. Edna didn't even really do anything, which is why I probably resented it. She just stood there and did nothing. She didn't do anything. Yet, I felt a longing to be with in her company. I wanted things to be like how it was when I was younger. I wanted her to keep her promise she made to me, however I knew that most promises were made to be broken. 

I hesitantly walked towards the door, and I felt my hand freeze right before the door. My brain screamed that I should knock, but every bone in my body protested against it. I couldn't move at all, and I felt myself stop breathing. Finally, after a long time of waiting, I knocked on the door. Then, I waited. Finally the door opened.

Edna stood their, shocked. She couldn't believe that I was there. To be fair, I couldn't believe that I was here. Then, she pulled me into a hug. She pulled me into a hug, and she was crying. I didn't realize until I was brought inside that I was crying with her. I had missed her so much. I missed her being kind and caring like she was when I was younger.

"Oh, Jay. I'm so sorry." Edna sobbed as she put her face in her hands.

"It is okay, Ma. I know. I might not understand, but I do know." I whispered as I stiffly rubbed my hand up and down her back to try and calm her down.

"I came here because I need your help with something." I said as I watched her calm down.

"What do you need?" She asked as she looked up towards me concerned.

It reminded me of when I was younger. It was my first day at school, and I was bullied. I was bullied and I couldn't bring myself to tell her what I was feeling. That first day of school was when we realized that I wasn't like everyone else. It was when we learned that I was blessed with a 'gift'.

"Do you know who Milton, Scott, and Akita are?" I asked as I tried to show little emotion.

"They were Nelson's friends. He hung out with them after school all of the time. If you give me a minute, I might have picture of at least on of them. However, they all disappeared shortly after Nelson.... Anyway, wait here." She said as she sat up and walked towards her bedroom.

I looked around the trailer, and I instantly felt cold. I couldn't help but feel bad for this women. She was living here all by herself after everything that happened. She was living isolated and alone. I felt really guilty. No one deserves to live alone. It wasn't her fault that her husband did what he did.

"This is Scott. He would be around your age now. I don't know where he is. No one has seen him in Ninjago for years." Edna said as she came back and handed me a photo.

It was a picture of Nelson and Scott at an arcade. Someone had to have taken the photo though. Scott didn't really look like a nerd, which was what Nelson generally associated himself with. He looked like a kid who had seen too much. What was Nelson doing with him?

"When was this photo taken?" I asked as I gave it back.

"It was a week before Halloween, I think. I don't really remember when. It was so long ago." Edna said as she smiled at the photo.

What were they doing?

Where was Akita and Milton?

Did the thing that I saw in my dream take place on that day?

Was this connected to Nelson's disappearance and then murder?

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket again. It had been going off like this for the past 30 minutes. I don't know who would be calling me at this time of night, but if they weren't leaving me alone, it could be important. I didn't have anymore questions for Edna anyway at this point in time.

"I have to take off." I finally said as I hugged Edna and waved goodbye.

She smiled and waved goodbye and then closed the door. I felt kind of bad that the only reason that I came here was because I needed information from her. I would need to come here again so that she wouldn't always be alone. Maybe when everything was safer. 

The thought of everything being safer made me think back to my phone. I quickly looked down. 3 calls from Kai. 2 from Lloyd. 4 from Zane. 7 from Cole. 15 from Nya. It made my eyebrows furrow. What was wrong? What happened? I quickly called Nya.

"Jay?" Her voice sounded full of relief.

"Who else would it be? What is wrong?" I asked instantly asked as started to run towards her house.

"Where are you? Have you seen the news?" She asked, still panicked.

Have I seen the news? What the hell was going on?

"Now I'm on my way to your house because all of you are freaking me out. No, I haven't seen the news. What happened?" I asked as I turned and continued to sprint.

It was silent on the other end. It made me realize something very wrong was going on. I couldn't seem to understand. It couldn't be that bad. Well, Nya was silent, so that must be bad. Why were they all calling me? What happened?

"Nya?" I asked as I finally stopped running.

"It's Ed. He broke out of prison."

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