49. Revealed.

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Mano's POV

''Are you sure this is what you want?'' Jas asked for the millionth time.

Did I want to do this? fuck no, but it had to be done. There was no other way and I'm willing to sacrifice anything in order to keep my family safe. How bad could it be? Tan and my dad lived through it every single day so yeah I could as well do it.

''It's not like I have a choice'' I answered while putting on my shoes. 

''I just think if you don't feel like you are up for it we could look for another way. I know you never wanted this'' my mom chimes in while entering my room handing my dad his phone.

''I'll be fine, stop worrying''

''I'm your mother, worrying is what I do, who knows what all those people will do to you''

''Mom stop being so dramatic''

''Your mother has always been too dramatic, at least this time it's not directed at me'' dad says making Tan chuckle.

''Now she's better, when we were kids she would throw these huge tantrums, make all the guards run around looking for a damn Barbie doll leg or head that she ripped off during another tantrum.'' 

Everyone went quiet except for my mom who laughed, Tan never and I mean never spoke about his childhood because of the bad memories that came with it. Actually, this could be the first time he ever mentioned their childhood together.

''You were always the reason for those tantrums Tan don't even start. You were always annoying me, pranking me because you knew mom would never do anything to you'' she adds while laughing.

''Yeah but father on the other hand would always punish me with something ridiculous'' Tan says with a chuckle at the memory.

''Made you polish all the guards' shoes'' 

They look at each other for a second before mom's laugh changes and I could see the tears starting to form there. I don't think they've ever spoken about what happened.

''Oh Emmie, come here'' Tan says while opening his arms for his sister of course sensing the shift in her mood.

To give them a moment we all leave and make our way to the kitchen where everyone else was currently having some breakfast. The fact that everyone's acting as if I'm dying today is starting to annoy me. Its been two weeks now since I resumed classes at my college, if we were going to do this we had to do it right. 

Of course, I'm nervous but hey, gotta take one for the family right? I just hope it's not going to be crazy.

 Who am I kidding, it's about to be insane but I just hope I get out on the other side unscathed. We had already started on our plan and everything was going according to plan and now the time for me to play my part was here. No matter how terrifying the whole situation is, I'm my father's son, we don't back out on shit. Thankfully, Terry is going to be there with me so if shit hits the fan, at least he's there to protect me.

After Tan and mom joined us, no one asked questions and we all ate quietly, that was until it was time for me and Terry to go.

Grabbing the back of my head and forcing me to look up into his eyes Tan says ''You'll do okay and you'll come back to me'' Not a question, he was simply telling me and for a second I almost melted, it took a lot in me to remind myself I had to remain tough, push a little until everything was okay.

''Yes sir'' was all I could muster up before Terry was guiding me to his car.

''Are you ready?'' I knew he wasn't just asking about going to class but honestly, I was not ready at all.

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