30. Surprise

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3rd POV

"You just had to come wearing your vestments, didn't you?" Tan asked while looking at the priest who was known to be Richard.

"Well I look hot in them and besides, Jasper said that it turns him on when I'm in my black slacks and black long sleeved shirt with my white collar. So yeah I have a reason to be in my vestments."
Richard replied. The cocky bastard was still the same.

"Whoever told you that clearly has the worst taste in men" whether it was an attempt to a joke, Richard didn't care he laughed.

"Wellll....." Mano's voice was heard and why the hell he was still there naked was beyond Tan.

"Well whoever told me that is in love with you so yeah for the first time ever, I agreed with you, he has the worst taste in man" Richard said with a smirk on his face.

"Mano, go and put on something descent" Tan commanded as the door opened and in entered Nollan the lawyer and another man who clearly wasn't big on body building but was attractive in his chubby way. He looked really comfortable for cuddles. It was his face though that was captivating, he had a well trimmed beard and he was just damn handsome.

"Well now I'm very much looking forward to this meeting" the man known as Tristan said as he eyed Mano where he was standing on the stairs.

"For crying out loud Mano, go and put on some goddamn clothes" Tan was now sounding really pissed and without any word, Mano ran up the stairs.

"Oh, I wanna have that ass" the Russian guy muttered as he eyed the departing boy.

A scream was heard before the sound of feet was heard. All the five men looked in the direction the sound was coming from.

"I swear to god if you're not wearing your vestments I'm sending you back the hell were you came from." Jasper appeared from around the stairs.

"Jasper no runn-"

Too late. Jasper was already in Richard's arms with his lips on his. Jasper was kissing the poor priest like he was starved of kisses and the other men could do nothing than just stare. Richard grabbed the back of Jasper's head and deepened the kiss.

"God you look hot" Jas said as he broke the kiss.

"For you baby" Richard answered with a wide grin.

"Okay if you're done with your lovey dovey, can we please go and sit down while we wait for Mano" Tan said.

"Tan всегда вечеринка пупер" tan, always a party pooper.

"Whatever he said I agree. Tan you're no fun" Jasper said as he removed himself from Richard

"идиоты" idiots
that's all Tan said.

The men made their way to the sitting room and made theirselves comfortable. They could all seem relaxed and playful but they were anything but. The things that had been going on had all these men their toes.

If word got out, they all would be ruined and that's what they were determined to make sure never happens.

"Okay why are we here, why did you call in an emergency" Tristan asked. He was a busy man and he just couldn't be wasting time just because someone felt like seeing him. He had a shipment that was arriving tomorrow and he still needed to do all the paperwork and some bribing.

Just then Mano popped his head into the sitting room
"Since you're all busy, I'm going to see Ash" he said with a wave.

"No you can't go, you're the reason they are all here" Terry said as he entered the room.

"Me? What did I do?" Mano was now confused as he made his way to an empty sit.

This was bad, sitting in a room full of hot sexy men who also had this Dominant aura oozing out of their pores was really bad for his submissive side. And especially now was really bad timing for this.
And now a new fantasy was making its way into his head. All these man taking him at once. All of them using him as they please and wha-"

"Mano, Mano, Mano!"
Mano jerked out of whatever that was going on in his head only to notice all eyes on him. Yep he was totally fucked.

"For fuck's sake, Mano!" Tan called him for what felt like the millionth time. He just hoped what he thought was happening was not happening.

"Sir" Mano replied and they all new.

Tan said as he stood and went and grabbed Mano before walking out of the room.

"Mano I need you to focus, this is really important" Tan said as he handed Mano a glass of water.
" I just need you to go through this meeting and I'll take care of you"

Mano nodded and Tan let our an exasperated sigh.

" Mano you really need to get out of your head just for a couple hours "

"Okay I'm fine, I just got a little side tracked but I'm good" he replied

They returned to the room and everyone just acted like everything was okay like non of that shit had happened. Like none of them were fantasizing taking that boy in all ways to heaven.

"So we all need to do some damage control, someone's leaking information on Mano and we better find out who. Lord save us if his father gets out of prison and finds out-" Alex was cut out

"Finds out what?" A very deep voice and heavy footsteps where heard before a figure appeared on the sitting room entrance.
"So help me God Nollan if you spoiled my surprise and told these morons I was coming, I'm going to kill you. Literally." The man said.

"Dad?" Mano rose from his sit



Another update guys, what are your thoughts on these men and what do you think they are involved in?

What about Mano's dad?

One more thing, I've been saying this and I'll say it again. This book  is not for the faint of heart, from this point anything can happen, my brains literally run a million miles a second so ideas keep coming and I'm not gonna hold back. So if you know you're not really open to a lot of unusual sexual stuff, now's the time to say bye.

until next time✌🏽

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