21. The Punishment

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Mano's POV

We were there, waiting on our knees terrified but at the same time hard as one could possibly be.
"Are they always this scary?"
I whispered to Jas who was also as hard as a rock and dripping pre-cum, I was tempted to lick it all up, I may or may not have let out a whimper at the thought.

"No  but this once happened an-"

We didn't see it coming, we were so engrossed into our small conversation that we were having,  that when something vicious gripped my neck, I couldn't stop the scream that escaped my throat and the room was not only filled with my scream only, There was a hand gripping Jasper's neck and that's when I realized there was a hand on mine too.

The hand was not blocking any air circulation but it gripped really hard it hurt like a bitch. 

I looked up and saw Terry, his face was so close to mine that all I had to do was lean in a little and our lips would be touching, I wanted to do that so bad but I knew better just by the look in his eyes.

" What's your curfew, Mano?" His voice was terrifyingly calm.
" 9pm Sir" I answered, my voice was literally shaking.

"And what time is it?"

"11:35pm Sir"

"Right" he said as he let go of my neck and went back to stand were they had been standing before, his eyes were piercing right into my soul.

"Jas, what's rule number 5?" Tan asked Jas and they were in the same exact position I'd been in with Terry.
"No raising of voices during an argument, we should always settle them like grown-ups." Jas replied with a very much shaking voice.

"And what's rule number 3?"
Tan was also using that terrifyingly calm voice. It scared the shit out of me.

"No use of bad words, in other words no cussing."

"And what did you just do?"

"I raised my voice and cussed Sir"

He let go of Jasper's neck and just like Terry, he went back to were they were standing and bore his eyes at the two of us.

"There's no school for you tomorrow" Terry said while staring at me.
"But I need to hand in an assignment" I whined

" Mano those assignments are uploaded on your college portal, something that's done online even in this house, so cut me the crap and say yes Sir."

"Yes Sir" I wasn't about to argue with that tone, not when I still want my life.

"And you there's no work for you tomorrow"

Wait, Jasper worked?

"But I have some paperwork that needs to be done at the club" Jasper whined.

"and I'll take care of it all, now both of you go and sleep, tomorrow you'll be punished accordingly."

You'd be a dumb fool to argue, so both me and Jas made our way to Tan's room and drifted off without a word.

"Time to wake up, brats" Terry said as he pulled away the blanket that was covering both Jas and I.

Somehow we had ended cuddled up and he had a death grip on me but it was way too comfy for me to move away. Even if his morning wood was pocking me, I just wanted to remain in his arms.

"Are they up yet?" The door opened and I'm sure it was Tan entering the room.

"Don't make me repeat myself" Terry growled and we both jumped.

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