17. Clues

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Hey guys, I just wanted to let those of you who didn't know: when I put  **  I'm just describing a feeling or an action. Enjoy your read xo

Mano's P.O.V

''Yes! *moan* right there''

''Ash you're making too much noise, shut up''

''How can I shut up when it feels so goooooood''  

''I'm even holding back you idiot!''

''go lower......  Yes! right there.....  don't move, don't move......  Jesus Christ, you are amazing *shudders*''

 ''*chuckles* told you I was good *smirk ''

''I knew you were good but not this good, now move''


''Ash you're going to wake everyone up, be quiet''

''*whimpers*, I can't help it *groans* feels so good'' ''shit. Yes!!. ''


''What th-'' I yell as I fall off Ash's back, The kid had somehow managed to talk me into giving him a massage and I was walking on his back when the door was banged to the wall. 

And three huge delicious men bust in, one in only his boxers, the other two in only sweat pants. Jas was the one in his boxers. Their chiseled chest muscles on full display for me and Ash to gowk at. 

Sitting up straight next to Ashley who was also now sitting, we openly eyed the god looking hunks that were in front of us. 

''How do you survive in this house?'' Ash whispered while staring hungrily at them.

''I keep asking myself the same question every day'' I whispered back, literally drooling in my mouth.

''Lord help my gay eyes'' he breathed

''Mine too'' I let out, and I know my cheeks look as red as Ash's.

''Can I move in with you'' Ash whispered

''no you can't '' I whispered back

I don't know when I don't know how but Ash managed to grab the bag of potato chips that we had been eating earlier and both of us were literally munching on the things as we drooled over the powerful, attractive and very eatable men.

''They know that we're in front of them right?'' one questioned. I didn't pay much attention to who it was, I was busy at the moment.

''shut up, he looks hot when he's looking like that, in fact, they both do''

''I'm going to bed''  one snapped, I bet you can guess who that one is.

''Really!!?'' the other two yelled 

''I don't have time for this''

And just like that, the three men walked out.

''I thought I was about to die for a second there'' Ash breathed as he laid his head on my shoulder.

''You know you can't tell even a soul about any of this right?''

''mmh'' he hummed '' I won't I even don't want to, this is my own fantasy'' he yawned 

''I guess we gotta crush now. Night'' I said as I switched off the light 


I woke up to a heavyweight dropped across my chest and for some reason, it was warm, comfortable If I might say. But there was also this annoying noise that was coming from somewhere and i just wanted to rip whatever it was apart. The sun was shining in my room making it really difficult to open my eyes. Come to think of it, I never opened my curtains so where is the sun coming from?

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