45. Can't Concentrate

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Nial was going off like a fucking hurricane and had no intention of slowing down. It's been more than a month since Ash happened and things haven't been going in their favor at all. First, it was the release of those files, and thank fuck it wasn't the important ones otherwise they would have lost everything. All thanks to Terry and his immediate response to rectify the situation, things had been calmed and all their clients and business partners were back on track but they were barely hanging by a thread, any mistakes and it would all be over. 

He had completely taken over the company from Mano, not because he didn't believe his kid could do great but because the boy was a complete mess. The loss of Ash hit him hard he was barely surviving. Not eating, staying locked up in his room for hours only allowing his mother to talk to him, you'd think all the other men in the house were invisible. He was hurting and it was affecting everyone. It was like  Ash took that boy's heart, broke it into many tiny pieces, and after that stamped on them. As if that wasn't enough, he burned what was left, Mano was alive but dead on the inside.

''Are you fucking kidding me! I didn't get your sorry asses out of prison for nothing! now I swear to fuck if you don't locate this boy, I will make you all wish you were still in prison.'' Nial was getting frustrated and he was on the verge of killing a motherfucker.

They'd been looking for Ash but it was like he had just up and disappeared from the face of earth.

''Boss I've searched for him everywhere and even hacked the satellites, there's no trace of him anywhere'' Tiny their computer guy said while typing some shit on that computer of his.

''Now listen to me and listen good'' Nial reached for the guy's cooler and hauled him up ''I don't care whether you have to kiss Jesus's ass to get what I want, what I do care about is you locate him and make everyone else's jobs easier, do you understand?''       

''understood sir''

A mean smirk appears on Nial's face '' Do you value your fingers?''

'' Ye-ye-yes sir, they are the reason I do what I do'' the boy stutters

''Get me what I want and you get to keep them''

With one last glance one that he knew would leave the skinny man thinking he had been stripped naked by his penetrative gaze and would make him think twice before doing anything stupid, Nial shoved the guy to the side and strode right outside the building. He was able to keep himself calm and composed under pressure, it was one of his skills and was always handy but damn did he just want to let the darkness that was crawling inside his skin out.

Meanwhile, at the office, Terry was losing it, ever since Tan punished him for throwing that party which by the way, was very much effective and managed to accomplish what it was meant for, Tan had punished him the following day in the most delicious way he never would have thought of and now he was craving for more. He remembered that day like yesterday, everything hurt like a bitch, his arms from the restraints, his back from the canning, his ass from the brutal spanks even his balls hurt from the torture they had endured. It had been a long time since he had felt that much pain and he loved every part of it. He had forgotten how much pleasure one could get from receiving pain and now that Tan had helped him remember, Terry didn't want to forget again.

Terry was on the verge of getting on his knees and begging the man to take him again. Yes, they had pressing issues to locate Ash and Xavier but he just couldn't switch the nagging feeling that was slowly but surely making itself comfortable in his whole being. 

''Are you even listening to what I'm saying?'' Terry just stared at the dark, waiting eyes with literally no clue of what the owner was even talking about. ''Terry focus''

''I can't''  He confessed as his eyes roamed Tan's office.

''What do you mean you can't, you have to, we need to finalize this contract now''

''I know. You just look very edible right now that's all'' he said as he slipped off his chair to make his way to the annoyed man who was sitting across him.

''Stop eye-fucking me Terry, and I don't have time for your slutty ass right now and you're acting like a dog in heat,  maybe a bitch, you make me want to kick you away'' 

''Stop with the verbal abuse, I mean no harm''

''Where I come from 'slut and bitch' are terms of endearment and if you've forgotten, we come from the same area, now stop, turn around and go sit down so we can finish'' Tan said sounding annoyed.

''Not without a kiss'' Terry challenged

''Look at me'' Terry did and now he was standing right in front of him ''Do I look like I'm in the mood of kissing you?'' 

''You don't but that doesn't mean I won't'' and with that, he pulls Tan by the neck connecting their lips.  '' There, now wasn't that fun?'' He grins.

'' Sit, now'' Tan said while pointing where terry had come from.

'' Okay, okay I will but we'll finish this later''

''There's nothing to finish''

Terry scoffed '' we'll see bout that''  At least working might give him a much-needed distraction from his misery and longing for this brutal sadist who had no sense of compassion at all the man was ruthless and mean, very mean but that's why they all loved him, wasn't it. Besides, the man was a beautiful jerk or maybe an ass is the correct term. He was ridiculously handsome and unapologetic for it.

Terry watches as Tan gets a bottle of water, he watches as those long lean fingers unscrew the lead and he stares as he brings the bottle to his lips, h watches as his throat work down the water. He had no idea whether it was actually the drinking of the water that he was staring at or if it was the man consuming the water that was just fascinating. He just couldn't take his own eyes off this man and the man in question looked as if Terry could as well be a chair, that's how uninterested he looked.

''I don't reckon giving you permission to stare at me''

Hiding his own embarrassment by drinking some water, Terry averts his eyes to his laptop and they continue to work. What had gotten into him? He was never this much flustered before, this was Jas and Mano's job, not his. Thank God they were done and now they could go home and he could avoid the man entirely.

''Go on the middle of my office, strip and kneel'' Tan said as he made his way from behind his desk and moving to the other side, leaning his butt on his large dest while facing exactly where he wanted Terry.

''huh'' Okay now Terry was petrified of what the man had in mind more so because he had no idea of what the man had in his mind.

''It's either we do this in here or at home, it's all up to you but one way or another, this is happening. So what's it going to be'' he raised an eyebrow with a very prominent smirk on his face.

I hope I know what I'm in for but one thing was clear

Here meant mild home meant brutal. Easy.



So those who wanted some Terry and Tan action this is your chance to give me suggestions on what you wanna see, make it as kinky as possible. And the person with the idea I use, I will dedicate the chapter to them. 

Until next time

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