9. Better ways

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Mako's POV

shit, I'm late again.

And just my luck my first class is with Mr ..... Sir again.

I open the door and enter the room as quietly as possible, maybe he won't notice me. But as I turned my back after closing the door I was met by green eyes that could hypnotize anyone who looked into them. I could feel them pierce through my soul and all I could do was just stand there like a damn zombie.

''Mr. Jairos yesterday you were a new kid so give me a good reason to why you are late today?'' If eyes could tear you into half, I'd be dead by now. And tell me why I lied my name?

'' I got lost, still getting used to the whole thing'' I said as I gestured with my hand to emphasize my stupid excuse of a lie and my other hand was already playing with the ham of my shirt. Bottom line, I'm a terrible liar. Lucky he doesn't know that yet.

''Get sited'' that was not a request at all and the way he said it sent shivers all over my body mainly my penis.


Like yesterday, my day went by very smooth, with no difficulties or anything. Lunch was fine and I was only sitting with my new friend Ashley.

''what's the big deal between the two of you?'' he asked 

''the two of us?'' I was more than confused because other than him, I didn't really talk to anyone.

''you and the Marketing lecture'' 


'' Dude I can feel the tension that's between the two of you''

''well its nothing, probably he just hates getting a new kid in the middle of the semester thas all'' I took a bite of the slice of pizza I was having for lunch.

'' probably. That man is scary as hell I try and be as invisible as possible in his class.'' it was true, the man was scary but hella hot at the same time.

''I have one last class I'll see you tomorrow '' I waved as I made my way to my last class. Ashley was already done for the day but he was just having lunch with me. That's a good friend there if you ask me.

I was early for the class so I went and sat at the back and plugged in my headphones and started listening to some hip-hop. A book was slammed on top of my desk and when I looked up I was met by the very same face of the kid that beat me yesterday and I smiled.

''wassup dog'' he said as he folded his arms over his chest trying to pop up his muscles. ''I see we have the same class'' I ignored him but he pulled my headphones off dropping them on top of my desk

''I'm talking to you idiot'' he raised his voice a bit and I just gave him a bored look and it seemed to annoy him more. If he expected a reaction from me well I wasn't giving him anything.

just when he was about to lift his arm

''afternoon class, grab your laptops and go to your portals, I dropped some notes regarding this lesson.'' a petit lady who I assume was the lecture for this class announced as she walked in. She didn't look older than 27 and I give it to her, she was hands down gorgeous.

yes, bitches, I'm bi-sexual but I just happen to like men more.

''You must be the new kid they told me about'' she said as she pointed at me.

'i really wish they would stop calling me a kid' I thought. 

''I think I am'' I said with the slightest hint of a smile on my lips.

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