Bonus chapter

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Okay people, this is just a bonus chapter, thought it would be fun just to write something small while I prepare you for what's coming. But please please I noticed from the previous chapter that you guys are literally forgetting characters and I need you to remember each and everyone coz they are all important.


He pulls me towards the car, a pickup truck. I wanted to scream for help but his hand on my mouth made it impossible so I start thrusting and kicking around as adrenaline floods my system. I try to fight him off me but he manages to get me into the back of his car closing and locking the doors crashing every hope I had of escaping.

Pinning me down on the seat of the car, "you don't move, you don't make a sound" he grows his voice making me tremble not sure from fear or from something completely different.

"Please don't do this" I plead,

But he grabs my throat and forces me to look into his eyes,
"I thought I told you not to make a damn sound, you really need to be taught a lesson. Such a naughty little slut".

In one Swift movement he tears my dress into two pieces exposing my bra covered chest, he brings his hand and cups one of my breasts while the other went back to my neck. Message received, I move I die. He sits upright and I remain laying on the car seat too scared to move or make any noise. He lets out a sound of approval before he start stripping me naked.

I make a contact with him, trying to plead with my eyes. I didn't want this, I never wanted this and I just wanted all this to be over and just be a dream.

Without warning, he shoves his cock inside me and I let out a scream of pain but also accompanied by undeniable pleasure

"I fucking told you to stay put and quiet" he barks.

I think I blackout, only for a second though because of his unforgiving thrusts and his hand on my throat that's making it hard for me to breathe. His lips are locked on my nipple nibling and sucking. I try to push him off me to no avail, try punching him but he just holds my hands above my head. He was taking what I hadn't given and and he wasn't gentle about it.

"I know you like this, I just know or else you wouldn't be letting me do all this to you. Acting all innocent but underneath it all is a dirty little slut" his breathing is hard and his grunts are getting louder.

Everything hurts, everything's blurry as I fight the tears threatening to escape my eyes but warmth fills my body, everything tightens and I feel it coming. I can't believe how my body could deceive me like this, taking the pleasure I didn't want.

After a few brutal thrusts, I come hard my orgasm crashes through my whole body and I can't stop the whimper that leaves my mouth.

" See, I told you, you are a slut and a dirty little whore" his pase doesn't falter for once if anything, he was even more vicious and violent and I could do anything but lay there and take it.

" I'm not done with you yet"

"please, please stop" the words escape my lips before I could stop them and it was as if I had freed an animal on a leash, a wild animal. His breathing became more ragged and he pounds into me even more harder his grunts more audible, he was going to break me, tear me apart.

I can barely breathe and move he has completely lost it and he fucks me so hard I lose track of time but then another orgasm riples through my body this one is stronger than the first one and I couldn't stop the scream that left my mouth even if i wanted to. I feel he's cock twitch inside me and know he also came with me.

After catching our breaths, he sits up and pulls me onto his lap but this time with the most gentlest hands and with uttermost care like I was fragile and making sure I was comfortable on his chest

"hi baby"

"hi Daddy"


Okay, so don't focus on the book, what do you think about this chapter alone?

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