3. Moving in

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Tanaka P.OV

''So you are telling me that your sister's kid will be staying with us too?'' Jasper asked.

I swear one of these days I'm going to cut his head off. He talks too much and he literally doesn't have a filter on his mouth.

''And you have a problem with that?'' I asked as I entered his closet to pick up some of the clothes that we were packing.

Wrapping  his arms around my waist  from behind, he whispered  ''yes because then I wouldn't be able to do this''  

He ran his hands up inside my shirt causing an unexpected groan to escape my mouth. placing kisses along my neck, he spun me around connecting our lips together in one of his hungry kisses. Grabbing the back of his neck and deepening the kiss, I pulled him into me while my other hand went straight to his ass.

''And that is why there's something called privacy Jas.'' 

I pulled away from the kiss and continued collecting all the clothes.

okay, so I know y'all probably wondering the relationship I have with Jasper, well let me enlighten you: we are best friends but then we realized that we were interested in the same shit and so because we both had trust issues we decided we would be what each other needed. we were good together and terrible separate. He was my sanity as much as I was his. Oh and did I mention that it was the three of us? the other one is out of the county at the moment.


''Sir the boy arrived like four hours ago and I think he's watching tv right now and may say that he's gorgeous! '' 

''Tasha he's just a kid'' 

''oh wait till you see him'' she winked at me.

Remind me why I chose her as my housekeeper again because how I'm able to put up with her shit is beyond me. But now she's in and I don't think I can manage to let another stranger into my house with everything that's in it. Don't ask you'll find out very soon what I mean.

''Oh. My. God, Tan you need to see this'' Jas whisper yelled from the sitting room.

The first thing I notice is the documentary playing on the tv about some man that survived on the sea for many days alone.

''Down here you idiot'' Jasper whispered again

''Why are you whis-''  then I saw him.

An angel sleeping on my couch, long brown hair that I could already imagine running my hands. he was hands down gorgeous and watching him all relaxed while sleeping was like watching the most beautiful thing I've ever watched. So innocent, I wanna corrupt him. god, the things we could do to him, that pale skin under my fingers my lips on-

stop! god get a grip, he's my nephew for crying out loud. but well you know not by blood. 

but still, he's just a small boy look at him. 

''He's perfect Tan'' Jasper whispered ''and don't even think about lying, I know you feel it too''

''shut up, I'm thinking'' I snapped.

''look at him'' he chirps

''I'm looking at him Jasper'' I whisper back

he looks at me and I could see the shock in his eyes, ''how can you move in two people the same day'' 

''because it's my damn house and I can do whatever the hell I want'' that came out a little louder than I expected.

as he opened his eyes I could see the confusion in them trying to remember where he is.

''hi I'm Jasper and this is Tan''  

He stopped breathing, he stopped blinking, he stopped moving and he stared. His eyes fixed on Jasper's face as if trying to memorize every single detail. It was as if he was under some spell that couldn't remove his eyes from Jasper's face. The tension that was growing around the two was really thick and if it was possible I could probably touch it

''See I told you I was hot''  the idiot interrupted and that's when the boy seemed to get back to his senses and he turned red. even when he blushes, he's damn adorable.

as he was trying to avoid Jasper's eyes he caught mine and I know for a fact that we are fucked. how are we supposed to avoid him let alone not touch him? how are we supposed to keep our hands off him when he's got that smooth skin?

''Welcome to my home Manovich'' I said as I tried to break some of the tension that was now so thick I could hardly breathe.

something flicked in his eyes almost like regret and before I could process the emotion it was gone.

''Just Mano please'' His smooth voice was like music to my ears, I could die listening to him talk.

''um did eat or would you like anything '' I asked

looking down at his shoes ''your wife made coffee for me when I got here''

''wife?''  all I could do was stare at him as Jasper died of laughter beside me. 

I swear to god that girl will give me a heart attack one of these days.

''shes not my wife Mano, she's my housekeeper. you will only see her twice weekly, on Mondays and Fridays.''

''Oh I'm sorry I thought sh-''

''it's okay don't worry about it''

damn, I just want to run my hands in that silky hair. I have to avoid making this boy meet Terry, only God knows what he will do to this poor kid if he sees him. of us three Terry was more forward when he wanted something he would stop at nothing until he gets it and I know for a fact that Mano is in great danger.

''this is your home now feel free and feel at home okay?'' he nodded ''Jasper, my room now''


''We are in deep shit'' I said as I closed the door behind Jas. '' I mean how are we even supposed to avoid that?''

''The answer is simple'' Jas said as he jumped on top of my queen-sized bed, ''we don't ''

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