6.The fight

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Without even bothering to reply 'the man' I just took my books and made my way out of the class and I could feel his eyes following my every move but I could give a fuck.

I went by my day, went to all my classes and I was really happy that no other lecture tried to pull off the same shit my first lecture had. Actually, I could say my day was fantastic, I made a new friend.

''you should come to my place and chill some other time maybe this weekend?'' Ashley, the new friend asked.

''Sure id love to but I have to ask my uncle first'' I told him as I packed my laptop into my backpack. ''I'll see you tomorrow I have to go my uncle will be expecting me home early.''

after I said my goodbyes I made my way to the parking lot.I already know that my uncle will be waiting for me at home.

''So you're the new kid that can just come even on the middle of the semester, who the fuck do you think you are?''  came a voice from behind me and I could tell that it wasn't only one person behind me because I could hear many footsteps behind me.

this is your chance Mano, frustrate the idiots and they will beat you up, you know you so badly want the pain. 

I mentally cursed the voice in my head but as much as I despised the idea, I knew better than to argue with the voice in my head.

''You really couldn't avoid bullying the new kid in school, could you'' I turned around facing them now and I mentally noted that they were about six.

Good. The game is so on. 

''just curious that's all'' the one I expect to be the leader of the crew replied 

''well I'll leave you pack of idiots to it then''  I was already turning around to continue on my way to my car.

before I could even register what was happening one of the members of the group was grabbing my hand and throwing a punch at my face.

Fuck yes.

I looked at him as I rubbed the side of my lips removing a little blood and I could feel my groin getting hard. 

''Is that all you got?'' I mocked the kid and he fell for the trap. The next thing I know is I was falling to the ground and my stomach hurt like a bitch. I had to cover my face as the kid started kicking me anywhere and everywhere. it hurt, it hurt so bad that my vision was becoming blurry and it didn't help that he was wearing boots.

''next time mess with kids your age'' he growled as he grabbed my shoulders and hauled me up.

I couldn't stand straight I was holding my stomach and the kid throw a punch at my face I spat blood, I was painfully hard I knew if he continued I was going to cum. thank god I was driving myself home.

as I braced myself for another punch I caught sight of my first lecture I don't even know the man's name and his face was filled with horror as he made his way towards us

I swear to god if this man ruins my moment I will forever hate him. Our eyes met and just before the punch came, I smirked at him and he just froze.

The punch came and I exploded, the orgasm hit me hard I fell to the ground and started to shake uncontrollably.  I noticed the kids running away they probably thought I was having a seizure.

I couldn't get rid of the grin that was on my face even if I tried, it felt good, I felt good. Finally, I had gotten what I craved and I hope these kids will always be around when I need my fix. I got up and did a body scan, yep I was going to be in pain for this whole week that kid really had a strong kick.

as I was about to get into my car I heard someone clear their throat only to find out it was 'that man'

''Are you okay?'' he asked as he got close, his eyes were piercing and if it was possible they were looking right through to my soul as if trying to figure out a puzzle and in this case, I happen to be the puzzle. he had this stern look that made me want to straight-up apologize even if I didn't do anything. Something about this man was very fierce and it felt like there was a rope pulling me to him.

''Yeah I'm fine, it's nothing'' I really didn't want to talk to him I was already late.

who am I kidding the man was unbelievably sexy, I would be a fool to not be this attracted to him and all I can see in my eyes right now is him fucking me senseless.  

''you should probably put ice on your face and just so you know, there are better ways of doing things'' he said as he made his way to what I assume was his own car.

What the hell does that even mean?

''What's your name?!'' I shouted after him

''To you, its Sir'' he only turned around for a second and I caught the smirk that was on his face.

I'm screwed. I want him its no joke but I also want my uncle and Jasper too.


''you're late'' were the first words to greet me as I opened the door before I even stepped foot into the house. Like wtf.

''I'm sorry I got caught up'' I said  and as soon as I walked in, Heard Jasper gasp and I knew it was my face

''You got into a fight on your very first day of college, really'' I could sense the disappointment in his voice and a little bit of anger.

At this point, I could care less about what he would do to me. I had gotten a good beating and I was floating on cloud nine and nothing he could say or do would ruin my mood

''I couldn't help it, I was the new kid in school and the bullies decided on attacking me and I was one against six'' I was really getting annoyed, all I want to do right now is to get away from their beautifully gorgeous face and got to my room and take a nice shower I'm already getting sticky from my own mess, eww.

He looked exasperated '' Okay go freshen up and come down so I can see the damage''  he said and all I did was a nod as I made my way up.


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