15. Mr. Aggressive

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''I will help you with everything, You will do as I say and ask where you don't understand. I probably won't be around every time but that's why you have a secretary who will take care of everything for you. You cannot risk any mistakes Mano even the tiniest mistake can lead to a big downfall I'm sure you already know that. Buy a laptop don't tell me you already have one, I'm not talking about that crappy thing you have, you need a business laptop that's only dedicated to work. And as for your identity, keeping it a secret now that is going to be a tough thing but as you know, I love a good challenge-''

So this is what business Tan looked like. I wondered. He was so sexy and Lord help me with the intensity of his eyes right now.

I was sitting while he paced around the room commanding, directing and lecturing me on everything that I'm to expect and my mind was drifting off to how bad I really wanted him. Ever since I stepped foot in this house I've never had any sexual encounter with him and I was dying to know how good he was in the bedroom department.

Would he be gentle like Jasper or will he be rough like Terry? I think I would like him rough but gentle, hell, I would take whatever I could get. I've seen him kiss Jas and Ter and boy I'll tell you he doesn't have power, power has him, in fact, he is power. It's like he doesn't even have to tell you to submit, you just do it on your own. He -

''Am I clear Mano'' at my name I got out of whatever land I was in

''huh'' I was confused ''oh yes, yes I understand''


''now call your secretary let her come and we can start in my office'' he was already walking as he said.


It's been eight hours. Eight straight, long and agonizing hours. Eight hours of hell, we've been discussing the company and they've been catching me up on everything. Tan was teaching me all the basics I needed to know about being the boss while Chloe was telling me everything I needed to know about the company.

I was tired, hungry, stressed and for some unknown reason totally unknown, I was horny.

And for the love of me, I couldn't stop staring at Tan's lips.

''I think we need to stop here now, he's getting tired'' voiced Tan

''You can go home now Chloe and we can meet tomorrow, you know there's that meeting and you're gonna have to represent him'' he pointed at me

''Why can't you just be in the public eye, what's so wrong about it?''

''I just would love to maintain my privacy'' I said

''but look at your uncle, he's the most wanted person in the state, hell, in the country but he manages to maintain his privacy'' she exclaimed

'' Yes I do but at what cost. Every day I have to enter my building discreetly because of the paparazzi, I can't go to any restaurant and I can't open up to many people, I can't even have a normal stroll in the park , so if you ask me I would say remaining unknown is the best thing you can ever do for yourself.'' he was already opening the door gesturing for Chloe to leave.

He closed the door and it was only him and me left.

''So about tomorrow's meeti-''

Before I could finish my sentence my back was being thrown against the wall and my lips were being attacked. I was finding it really difficult to process what was going on right now.

''If you don't kiss me back you won't like what I will do to you next'' he growled just an inch away from my lips.

I hadn't realized that I was frozen in place, this time the kiss was far from gentle, it was aggressive, possessive almost like he was quenching a thirst after a long day in the sun.

lips were smacking, hands were roaming, voices were moaning. He put my hands above my head that frustrated me, I wanted to touch him and feel him. His tongue was in my mouth, turning and savagely exploring every corner. It was overpowering all my senses, his kiss had the power in itself to force me, or somehow get me to where he wanted.

He bit me, no listen he bit me, like bite real hard on my bottom lip. I'm talking about drawing blood kind of biting and I loved it, I loved the taste of copper in my mouth and I loved how he groaned and how I could tell he was almost losing his control. I wanted the pain and he delivered.

'''''You can't get attached to anyone Son. We can't afford to be vulnerable'''' The words hit me like a tsunami, a tornado at its highest.

''get off me!'' I yelled as I pushed Tan away.

We were both panting and out of breath, he was shocked, that I could tell. I even shocked myself on how I was able to push him away.

''No can do'' he said connecting our lips together again this time he wasn't apologetic on his aggressiveness.

Lord, how am I supposed to resist this?

''you have to stop'' I broke the kiss ''I can't do this I'm sorry''

''You can't, I can'' he grabbed the back of my head fisting some hear in his hand, he pulled me close ''We both know how bad you want me, Mano, the whole day you've been eye-fucking me. God why do you always stare at me, I hate being stared at by people in this house.''

''You are my unc-''

''You finish that sentence and you won't be able to sit for the next three days''

Wait, what?

Running his thumb on my very swollen lips, he inhaled and sighed.

''I want you so bad Tan but I can't'' With that I pulled away from him and basically ran out of the office.

I bumped into someone and almost fell but they caught me

''Sorry and thanks'' I mumbled looking up

''Its oka- whoa he did a number on you, that looks painful'' Terry said and I could see he was fighting a smirk.

''Yeah he did''

''that aggressive fucker'' he chuckled to himself ''And you call me a sadist. He's way worse than me''

After I showered and refreshed I went down to eat. My lips were swollen and painful a little tingly too. Jasper gasped when he looked at me.

''Oh sweet Jesus, not my beautiful lips. Let me kiss you better'' he didn't even give me the chance to say anything he was already connecting our lips.

''Jasper, no'' I pushed him away

''But you let that aggressive monster do this to you'' he whined ''I'm gentle I promise, I can be really gentle''

''How did you know he did it'' I challenged

both Jasper and Terry let out a heartfelt laugh

''Sweety, when Tan is in a mood, he can make even the devil himself cower from fear''

he winked at me


New update hope you enjoyed. what do you think?

see you next time.

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