18. Jabberwocky

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Third Person POV

The three men watch as the two very flashed teenage boys run to their room. Tan knew very well that he was stepping into deep waters that he might not be able to get out of, but hell did he want that boy on his knees in front of him filled with his welts and bruises.

On the other hand, Mano knew it was time to get Ash on his way because he could feel himself sink into that state that he knew was very very much like stepping into the devil's territory. This territory was that territory that made him crave pain just like someone craving a drug and could only handle everything by getting his fix. He also happened to know that he lived with three very hungry, not just hungry but starved wolves who were there waiting on their prey and he was that prey. He just couldn't let his only friend see him like that. The feeling was like something was crawling inside his skin and was demanding to be let out. It made him restless, he couldn't focus on one thing.

Ash could feel that the atmosphere had just thickened but who could blame anyone involved, he had just discovered one of the top secrets that would change his life for the better but at the cost of his friend's life. He just couldn't let anything happen to Mano, he was his first friend after a very long time but even though, he couldn't let his own secret be discovered. Maybe one day he would grow some balls to tell his best friend about his fucked-up life but right now he wasn't ready yet.

" Ash I'm really sorry about my uncle but this whole thing is stressing him out and now he's lashing out on you" Mano tried to apologize on behalf of his uncle.

" no its cool Mano anyone in his shoes would be stressed" thank god Ash was a very understanding human. "Also I better get going, my stepdad will be looking for me anytime soon.

After Ashley was gone, the three men were still standing in the sitting room staring at each other. They all knew what was coming, but no one attempted to make the first move.
Looking at Terry, Tan knew that Terry was full force in his Dominant state and one look at Jas he knew his submissive side was pouring out of his every being.

Standing in front of him, leaving no room for space between them he delicately held his face and kissed him. It was a slow sensual and very soft kiss, even though he deepened it he made sure to keep it as smooth and soft as possible.
Jas was melting in the kiss, he knew whenever Tan started a kiss this soft, things were gonna get ugly but the good kind of ugly.

Terry could never get tired of watching these two together like that. Sometimes he even preferred just watching rather than being involved. As much as a monster Tan was, it was moments like this that made Terry remember why he loved him so damn much. Romance was never part of his description even gentle was absolutely not part of it but right now this Tan he was seeing, was as delicate as a rose petal but he knew it will be short-lived before the wolf was off the leash. He knew when he came to him, he wasn't going to be this gentle not because he favored Jas to give him the gentle side, but because they knew Terry could handle him better than Jas.

And boy was he not wrong.

The moment Tan broke the kiss with Jas and looked at Terry, they all knew all hell was about to break loose. You could practically feel the change in his aura, the way his eyes darkened and the way his posture changed.
He attached Terry's lips, he devoured him, that soft gentle Tan had long left and this was the firm and rough Tan. The one that made you want to run away but at the same time makes you want more and more of whatever that he was giving you.

Tan was losing control he could feel it. He was trying to hold back, he really was but damn was it hard and the fact that Terry was a damn good kisser didn't help at all. The other problem that he knew he was facing was even though Jas was practically a masochist, he had limits and those limits were exactly where he wanted to go, He wanted to go to those dark places that he couldn't go to. He wanted to draw blood. He wanted to whip him until he couldn't stand and he was filled with his welts.
It had been so long since Tan had played like that and he knew what was coming.

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