46. Let's Play

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I suggest you read this chapter in the comfort of your privacy. This is a long ass chapter.

And I keep hearing this thing about my book on TikTok but I haven't seen the thing so if you know what it is please tell me so I can thank the person please.


The drive home was as expected, a very calm Tan sitting as if he hadn't just promised Terry hell

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The drive home was as expected, a very calm Tan sitting as if he hadn't just promised Terry hell. His hand was resting on Terry's thigh, anyone looking would think there were two lovers and that being true this was simply Tan's way of showing that whenever he wanted Terry, he would have him with no objection whatsoever. Terry was his and that was that.
He didn't have a choice in the matter.
One thing about Tan was that he was commanding even in his simplicity.

The hand that was grabbing his thigh moved up and enveloped his neck demanding his attention
"Terrence, when we get home, you are to speak to no one, look no one in the eyes and you shall be by my side at all times. You'll respect the full high protocol nothing less. Say yes Sir if you understand "

"Yes Sir"

Terry couldn't keep calm as Tan came and opened his door and led him to the house. He kept his eyes low, walked slightly behind Tan's side, and when they got inside the house, Tan stopped just after closing the door to check if Terry was doing the right thing, and just like he thought, the guy was struggling to let go and just submit, Tan was going to have to do something about that.

Tan didn't waste any time, they got in the house and he made his way to the cave. This whole time Terry tried but failed to get into the right headspace that he needed to be in in order to survive Tan tonight.

When they finally made it, Terry was on the verge of hyperventilating, his body knew what it wanted but his brain was seeing a whole different page. His mind was not complying at all.
Tan went and took something from one of the shelves and stood right behind Terry. Placing a black collar around his neck, Terry almost lost it. Tan rarely used collars on any of them, so him putting on a collar on his neck only meant one thing.

 Tan rarely used collars on any of them, so him putting on a collar on his neck only meant one thing

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