53. Checkmate.

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If you have any triggers, well bitch you better suck that shit up because you really need to read this chapter and it has almost EVERYTHING. 

This is a long-ass chapter so grab a snack coz you are in for a long ride.

3rd P.O.V

Anxious did not even begin to describe what Mano was feeling. Today was the day, the day where everything would lay to rest. Today would determine all the hard work and effort he put into this whole damn plan whether it was all for the best or it was all shit. 

Yes, if they played their pieces right, by tomorrow morning they will all be breathing better, but there was this feeling that Mano couldn't shake off, this feeling that something wasn't quite right, not from Xavier's side but from the men in this house. 

Well, he wasn't one to judge seeing that he had been a total cunt towards everyone in the past two weeks. He couldn't even believe the way he had even treated sweet Jasper, of all people, he had to go and snap at Jas who was the sweetest of them all. He had to make it up to him as soon as this was over.

He was done, he was exhausted and he missed everyone. He felt as if his life was blowing away and no matter how hard he tried to catch up to it, it kept slipping away. Mano wanted his men back, he wanted to be the spoiled brat and he sure as hell wanted out on this whole adulting situation.

''Do you think Mno is going to be able to go through this without snapping or losing his shit? maybe we should lock him up and deal with all this alone'' Emmie says as she finishes putting on some makeup and Nial was just staring at her appreciating the look she was pulling on. A tight short black dress that was doing little to nothing in hiding her most precious parts paired with spiked black ankle boots. He watched her as she put on her leather jacket on top. 

''Maybe I should go and talk to him and see if I can smack some sense into him'' Nial thinks out loud and to his surprise, Emmie pushes him out to got Mano's room.

''Go go go, if anyone can put some sense into our boy, it's you'' she says, ''and please use any means necessary''

Nial, finally gives in and walks toward Man's door, he just couldn't take the bullshit anymore and he was going to end it all now. If his boy thought he could get away with all the nonsense that he'd been pulling off in the few past weeks, well he was shit out of luck because as soon as this was over, Nial had a very long punishment planned for him and lord knows what Tan was planning.

Without knocking, Nial opens the door ready for a fight but what greets him, has him changing his mood in an instant. His boy sitting on the bed with his head hanging low, shoulders slumped slightly shaking. Mano looked every bit miserable,

Nial's first instinct was to go and grab Mano and assure him that everything will be okay but no, he had to tread very carefully and handle this cautiously any small trigger could cause his boy to go into defense mode.

''come here boy'' he commands but makes sure that his voice remains soft and gentle

Mano's head jerks up and Nial almost loses it at seeing the tears on the boy's face.

''Dad'' Mano says as he wipes away his tears ''what are you doing in here?''

''I said come here'' Nial repeats and Mano stands and goes to stand in front of him but to his shock, Nial points to the floor with two fingers, his index and middle finger.

Without questioning it, Mano goes down to his knees in front of his dad something he has never done before but soon relaxes as Nial starts running his hand in his hair soothingly and they stayed like that for a while, and at some point in time, Mano's head rested on Nial's thigh with his eyes shut.

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