14. Border Line

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Mano's P.O.V

Nervous doesn't even cover how I'm feeling right now. I don't even know if I should be excited or scared maybe I should even be angry because Lord knows how disappointed I am in him. Actually not just him but the both of them, they were supposed to be the ones leading by a good example but look at what they ended up doing, getting their asses busted after being caught and charged of fraud what kind of parents were they?

It's been three months ever since I started staying with uncle Tan and Jas, Terry had joined us too so it was basically a house of men. Speaking of men, what happened to that maid?

Well, it's been three months of having to run away from Jasper every time, that man was one persistent son of a biscuit. Every chance he got he would make sure his hands were on me. Jas was a very touchy, needy and would not take no for an answer. Somehow he was convinced that I would give in to his molestation but he was wrong....... maybe.

 Who am I kidding, my self-control was hanging by a thread here and to make matters worse I hadn't gotten any pain ever since that day and I've been celibate ever since I stepped foot into this house and I'm starting to get sexually frustrated add another point to Jas for contributing to that.

I was basically a ticking bomb waiting to explode.

''We're here Mano'' Mr. Nollan announced as he parked outside what I assumed was the prison my dad was being held in. ''All you need to do is cooperate with the po-po and you'll have no problems'' he instructed and I just nodded ''As your lawyer, I'll be close for just incase''

After all the inspection and all, I was finally sitting in an office with just my dad and me. I was sure this was illegal to meet in here but who cares, no one is supposed to know who I am so I'm sure Mr. Nollan pulled some strings for this.

''hey son'' my dad chided and he actually looked good for someone in prison and if I was into that kind of a thing, I'd definitely find him attractive. ''you look good, I hope you've been good?''

''Hi dad, I think I'm the one who should be asking that'' I smiled. It was really good to see him after all this while.

''I missed you buddy'' I could tell he wanted to add something but held himself back.

'' missed you too dad. How have you been?'' I asked

'' Can you not see, I've been great'' He grinned as if he was literally having the best life.

''I can see that, sorry it took me long to come visit'' 

''It's okay son, I get you were still mad at me'' a sad smile played on his lips and I actually wanted to hug him.

I did and he wasn't expecting it but returned it anyway. We stayed like that for a while until he let go and nothing but seriousness was on his face.

Whatever he's about to say, I'm not going to like it.

''Mano I think its time now'' I was confused 

''um time?''

'' You see, I've been running the company and all other businesses in here but now it's becoming very complicated because people are starting question how I'm able to do that, so I think its high time the son took over''

How could he even be confident while saying stuff like that? Yes, I was in business school but I thought at least he was going to wait until I graduated before he introduced me to his business.

''b-but dad I'm not sure I'm ready for such a responsibility'' I was panicking

''You are my son and besides, you don't have to be in the public eye for you to be able to run everything. You can continue going to college and handle everything through your phone and emails, Mr. Nollan will always be there to guide and help you every time like he was doing while I was in here. You also have a personal assistant who will take care of everything for you and represent you.''

This was too sudden, I don't want to be in the public eye and god knows how much I hate unnecessary attention. I'm only 19 and this will make me the youngest in the business industry, how am I supposed to compete with the likes of uncle Tan and all these other people who have been around for a very long time?

''you are intelligent Mano, you'll be fine you'll be more than fine. You are going to learn so many things and some you'll like but most you'll not. Always remember..'' he placed his forehead against mine ''They are your family and they need a leader, you.''

''Who dad? who needs a leader''

He was making absolutely no sense and he was moving too fast for me to grasp everything he was saying.

''Nollan will detail you on everything, we don't have much time left'' He looked at his watch.

The door opened '' I'm sorry Sir but time is up and its almost inspection time'' a man who I assumed was actually the boss in this prison said as he popped his head through the door

''Love you son, and remember that you will not fail, you'll actually be better than me. Also, be careful, not everything is as it seems'' 

He left.

He left me with a heavy heart.

He left me the new CEO of everything.

He left me with no choice than to accept.

He is my dad, but he left me with great responsibility.

I was going to prove myself.

I wasn't going to cower.


We were sitting having dinner after I had freshened up from my trip and as usual, I was fighting Jas' hand off my thigh. He is really impossible.

Tan was quiet as usual and Terry was teasing Jas. Don't ask, I don't even want to think about it. They had made it really clear of the kind of relationship they had. They never said but I was no fool and they just never hide it.

Apparently Jas was a switch and a masochist just like me, which means he subbed for them. Tan and Terry were both very dominant but Terry only allowed one person to ever dominate him and that was Tan. I don't even think anyone outside this house knew that Terry could sub because he carried such a strong persona to even picture him as a sub. Hell, I also couldn't believe it even though I saw their kisses and Tan was always in control.

''So are you dropping school or are you going to continue?'' Tan's voice filled the silence


''Since you are taking over everything how are you going to handle it?'' he asked

''I'm thinking on e-learning and do everything at home, I really don't want people to know who I am'' Then it hit me  ''Umm how did you know I'm taking over? I haven't told anyone since I came back'' I asked. How did he know?

Tan rose from his seat and went and switched on the TV

''It's been announced that all the Border Line Companies have been handled to their unknown child. Sources say that he/she has been running the companies ever since they got arrested and will continue to do so.'' 

A reporter was speaking on a news channel. Uncle Tan changed to a new channel

''If she's a female, I bet she's the most beautiful lady ever and gents better hold your pants for a new hottie is about to enter the picture'' another reporter said ''And if he's male, let me leave at that but I think we ladies are about to get all hot and bothered. Imagine, we've been with our hot Tanaka and now we're about to have another-''

Tanaka switched off the TV and all I could do was blink as he faced me.


So I'll admit, I was tempted to put some Father-Son incest in this chapter but thought to be decent enough and ask if it's okay with you all?

If no one says nothing I'll just write wherever my brain takes me is where I'll go and knowing my brains, it will be a dirty path *wink*

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