Help a bitch out... please

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Hi guys!!
Sorry this is not an update but I'm working on the next chapter I promise  hence why the announcement.

I'd really like your input on something so I'm here to ask for your opinions.

So this is going to be a sequel, all the men in this book are going to have their own story as we already know that Richard aka the priest is next.

So I wanna know what kind of role to give the guys in terms of: Daddy,  Dom or Master.

So I'll put their names down and you can just comment on that.

1. Richard (The Priesy)

2.Alex (The Russian guy)

3. Tristan (The chubby guy)

4. Nollan (the lawyer) I was thinking of making him submissive and give a story between him, Nial and Emmy, just tell me what you think.

Please help because some of them might meet their partners in this book.

And also if you just have suggestions on anything, let me know as well.

Anyway love you al and thank you for the support.

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